Throughout Mad Men, there are many different relationships highlighted on the show. While they aren’t all long-term relationships or committed ones, there are plenty of them. However, there are many characters that never hook up that seem like they would’ve been perfect together.

Whether it’s because they spend some time together and gain a close bond, or because they have similar characteristics, there could have been some amazing power couples on the show.

With so many powerful characters the window of opportunity was wide open, but instead, many dream couples were left in the fanfiction world. With that in mind, let’s take a look at 10 Mad Men couples that never were, but could have been perfect.

Ken & Peggy

Even though Ken Cosgrove is happily and faithfully married throughout the show, that doesn’t mean that a different relationship wouldn’t have worked out. Someone that he would have been great to be in a relationship with is Peggy Olson.

Peggy is someone who is quite unlucky with love throughout the show, not often getting the strong relationships that someone of her sweet nature deserves. During the show, Ken is someone she gets on incredibly well with. They’re always charming and fun together, which is why they could’ve been perfect together.

Sally & Glen

This is a relationship that was strongly teased throughout the show, but in the end, Sally and Glen’s relationship was more like brother and sister. However, if the writers had wanted to, they could have very easily gone in a different direction with this young pair.

Instead, the writers concentrated on Glen’s fixation with Betty, which was a shame. Sally was one of the most focused characters throughout the entire series and she is someone who never was given a love storyline. However, because of how close these two were, they would have easily worked as an item.

Don & Anna

Don and Anna are technically married at one stage in their lives, but their relationship is never romantic. Don takes her second name officially after he takes her ex-husbands identity from the war. But that doesn’t mean that they couldn’t have been a couple.

Anna is the only person in Don’s life that he can actually be honest and truthful with, which means there would be no secrets or hidden agendas in their relationship. They clearly love each other deeply as well, which is why they would have worked.

Megan & Harry

Harry Crane is quite an odd character throughout the show, often treating women in a poor manner. This is mainly due to the fact that he always speaks before he thinks, but that doesn’t mean he’s a terrible person, and one of the people in the show he loves is Megan Draper.

The two of them could easily have connected due to their passion for the television industry, and they would have been an ideal couple. The show does end with Harry and Megan having a meeting though, which could be a hint towards something romantic starting up.

Roger & Betty

This is another couple that might seem a little strange together on paper, but they could easily have made a proper couple if they had the chance. Betty is happy in the housewife setting, marrying someone with money and a great job, which is what Roger could have brought her.

Unlike Don, he is able to see exactly what he has at home when he has it. This would’ve meant that Roger would have treated her a little better, on top of that, he has less baggage than Don and is a little more discrete with his behavior.

Michael & Meredith

This would have been a slightly mad couple, but because of their wild personalities, they could have worked perfectly together. Michael Ginsberg was a fun person, but he did suffer from mental health issues. But that didn’t stop him from being a catch for other ladies.

Meredith also worked in the office, as a receptionist and she was someone else whose emotions would swing wildly. They were both really fun characters that were mainly used in comedic scenes, but there’s no doubt they could’ve been great together.

Peggy & Pete

This might seem like a strange relationship to say should have happened, mainly because of how things transpire between the two of them and the fact Pete Campbell isn’t the most loyal of people. However, there is an element of, what might have been, between them.

Their fling took place early on in the show when Peggy was first making her way up, but they never took it further. The two of them clearly had a connection though, and perhaps Peggy could’ve brought the best out of Pete if they had gotten together.

Lane & Joan

Most of the men within the office are infatuated with Joan Holloway throughout the series, and that includes Lane Pryce. More than once on the show Lane flirts or makes a move on Joan, despite the fact he’s a married man, and it is because of that Joan always knocks him back.

However, there are many reasons why they might have worked as an official couple. Firstly, they have similar jobs and they both try to present themselves in a posh and classy manner. They’re always kind to each other and they could have been something had circumstances been different.

Stan & Dawn

Towards the end of Mad Men, the show started to bring in more people of color to the show, to reflect the changing mindset of the time. However, the show didn’t fully commit to really highlighting a full relationship with Dawn, who was an important character.

Someone who could have worked in a relationship with her is Stan. He ends up being with Peggy at the end of the show, but he and Dawn could really have been refreshing together on screen. They both had very upbeat and positive attitudes and put together it could have been something more exciting.

Don & Joan

Out of all the women on the show, Joan Holloway is one of the only ones who doesn’t fall into Don’s arms. Spending the vast majority of her time with Roger Sterling, sneaking around, Joan would have been better spending her time with Don instead.

Throughout the show, it is clear that Don deeply respects Joan and the two of them are obviously attracted to each other as well. At several points in the show, it seems like something might end up happening between them, especially when Don takes her to the bar, but things just never end up working out that way.