At her old school, Phoebe learned potions with Professor Snape… or she would have, if the Magic School Bus characters had attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! The Friz would have felt right at home alongside Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall, and she probably would have been BFFs with Rubeus Hagrid.

A trip to the magical school where Harry Potter and his friends learn spells would make for an incredible episode where the bus could dive into the Pensieve, some Polyjuice Potion or the Goblet of Fire itself. While this ultimate crossover is rather far-fetched, it’s still fun to see which Hogwarts Houses the characters would fall into.

Valerie Felicity Frizzle: Gryffindor

Is there any doubt that Ms. Frizzle would be not just any Gryffindor, but probably Head Girl as well? The Friz is known for her adventurous spirit and doing things just because she can. She would put the original trio, not to mention the Marauders, to shame with her ventures into the Great Lake on an expedition to check out grindylows up close or down the gullet of a Norwegian Ridgeback to explore the intricacies of a dragon’s digestive system.

Arnold would probably need to hang out with Madam Pomfrey during half of Ms. Frizzle’s Hogwarts field trips, or even return home after his first year.

Tim Jamal: Ravenclaw

While Tim is an all-around dependable friend who would fit in well with the Hufflepuffs, when the Sorting Hat touched his head he would likely be placed into Ravenclaw. An artistic student who loves to draw and film things, Tim has a keen eye for detail and picks up things others miss, especially if they prove his point, particularly against Carlos.

Tim works on his grandfather’s honeybee farm, which points toward his reliability, but working with bees also requires clever thinking, prepping and careful handling. Tim would make an excellent journalist and Ravenclaw would help him on his way toward working for the Daily Prophet.

Dorothy Ann Rourke: Ravenclaw

Dorothy Ann is the epitome of a Ravenclaw: everything is about research and learning, and nothing is more precious to her than her books. Known for saying, “According to my research” all of the time, Dorothy Ann puts value in cold, hard facts, and would be an excellent scientist, or even a healer at St. Mungo’s, when she grows up.

D.A. has stated that she knows she doesn’t need books to learn, but the “class brain” still loves them more than anything. She’s also into astronomy and physics, which would come in handy during a Ravenclaw career. Dorothy Ann has siblings, so it would be interesting to see if they would all be in the same house like many wizarding families.

Arnold Perlstein: Hufflepuff

Poor Arnold has so much anxiety about field trips that he probably would be in and out of Pomfrey’s office, but he would be in good hands. In all honesty, he might learn some better coping strategies within his Hufflepuff house, where his classmates would surely help him out. Professor Sprout would probably set him up with a plant to care for and really help him out.

Arnold is so interesting because he really exhibits qualities of each house, as do many of us, but the Sorting Hat might have a hard time placing him. His fierce loyalty to The Friz, whether defending her from Janet or during his stint as a lawyer, earn him his Hufflepuff spot.

Liz: Slytherin

Dangerous situations, personal glory and recognition make Liz, the class mascot and best friend of The Friz, one happy lizard. At Hogwarts, Liz would be a pet rather than a student, but if sorted, her jealousy over the bus gaining more attention than she receives would get her into the Slytherin House.

Plus, Liz is literally a lizard, which puts her in the house for reptiles! Many Slytherins would surely wish they were chameleons, and some, like Barty Crouch, Jr., who was likely a Slytherin, have certainly tried to be. She’s also pretty cunning. After all, how many lizards can drive?

Carlos Ramon: Gryffindor

Carlos is best known for his wince-worthy jokes, which makes him seem like the perfect companion for the Weasley twins. This joker is also a very hands-on learner who would rather be in action than learning from a book, which makes him a good candidate for the Gryffindor House.

Carlos is a ham who yucks it up and enjoys a good audience, but he’s also a brave, kind friend. He’s very outgoing and certainly wouldn’t be shy while testing Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes on his fellow classmates. He might even make a fair Quidditch player if he had interest in the game.

Phoebe Terese: Hufflepuff

If any member of the Magic School Bus cast is likely to join Hermione’s Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, it’s definitely Phoebe. Phoebe always has the best interest of animals in mind, even if that means what’s not exactly best for the creature and what Phoebe herself believes is best. She is so loyal to her “old school” that she might not ever fully integrate into any of her Houses, but the Hufflepuffs would certainly understand her feelings.

Shy but sweet, Phoebe is a good friend who admires her fellow students and expresses admiration for qualities that she appreciates in them.

Ralphie Tennelli: Gryffindor

Ralphie is athletic and all about food, two qualities that any Gryffindor can appreciate. He might even give Ron Weasley a run for his money when it comes to putting away a feast at Hogwarts. He’s also known to wear a shirt with his initial on it, which would make him fit right in with the Weasleys!

Ralphie loves to jump into situations with both feet and total disregard to the consequences, which is also a key Gryffindor characteristic. He also tends to judge things without hard evidence, which many Gryffindors are also known to do. The young man also exhibits strong leadership qualities, or is what his classmates might call bossy sometimes.

Keesha Franklin: Ravenclaw

If any of the characters from The Magic School Bus has a grounded perspective and a smart, rational mind, it’s Keesha. This skeptic needs proof before believing anything, which would make her a great asset to Ravenclaw House. Keesha is also sarcastic, which points toward her witty nature.

Keesha is athletic as a dancer and might be interested in Quidditch, and she’s also interested in finding the rational explanation for every situation. She’s known to say, “Let’s get the facts,” which is something we can imagine just about anyone in Ravenclaw saying. Even in a magical school, Keesha would still be rooted in reality.

Wanda Li: Slytherin

Wanda Li is going places. This child has brains and courage, but above all else, she has drive, which makes her a Slytherin. She’s known to be the “bossy” character, but she’s tough and ambitious, desiring to solve every problem in the world–much like Merlin himself. Wanda isn’t always the nicest character, especially when it comes to tormenting Arnold; she literally taunts a redhead and says, “C’mon, you weasley wimps,” like another Slytherin we all know.

But overall she is an example of a positive Slytherin child who will grow up to do great things, perhaps who people like Voldemort could have been had they been in healthy families.