At the height of World War Two, the small-but-brave Steve Rogers was transformed into the super-soldier Captain America, equipped for battle with an iconic unbreakable shield. In the years since, he has used his shield as both a weapon and a symbol, inspiring others while leading multiple incarnations of the world’s premiere superhero team, The Avengers.

While Rogers is the most recognizable adventurer to carry a shield as his primary weapon, other Marvel characters have taken his cue. Some have been replacement Captain Americas, carrying Steve’s shield at times he was unwilling or unable to. Others have wielded replications of their own design, inspired by the original while representing their own ideals.


Lemar Hoskins made his live-action debut in the MCU’s The Falcon And The Winter Soldier, as the partner of John Walker, the replacement Captain America. He served this same role in the comics, first as the new Captain America’s partner Bucky, before later changing his codename to Battlestar.

Carrying an indestructible adamantium shield, Battlestar rarely threw his weapon in the traditional fighting style of Captain America. Instead, he carried it in front of him in an upright position, charging into battle and combining it with his superhuman strength as a crowd-dispersing battering ram.

Isaiah Bradley

When Dr. Abraham Erskine was assassinated during Steve Rogers’ transformation into Captain America, the secrets of his Super Soldier Serum died with him. Seeking to recreate Erskine’s formula to empower an army, the US military recruited 300 soldiers to be used as test subjects. Of the handful who survived these gruesome procedures, most were soon after killed in battle, leaving Isaiah Bradley as the only survivor of the project.

In an effort to sweep this perceived failure under the rug, Bradley was court martialed following his final mission. Sentenced to life in prison, he spent the next 17 years in solitary confinement, while the existence of the “Black Captain America” became an urban legend.

Red Guardian

Russia’s answer to Captain America, Red Guardian is an identity used by many. The most notable is Alexi Shostakov, played by David Harbour in the MCU’s Black Widow. His primary weapons were belt-mounted magnetic discs that would immediately return to his side after being thrown, in a slight reinvention of the iconic fighting style of Steve Rogers.

The first Red Guardian to wield a traditional shield was Josef Petkus, and since his tenure, every version of Red Guardian has carried an unbreakable vibranium shield similar to Captain America’s. It has become just as much of a symbol of the identity as his American counterpart’s.

Captain Carter

In an alternate world where S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Peggy Carter was the recipient of the Super Soldier Serum instead of Steve Rogers, Captain Carter fought on the side of the allies as the world’s premiere shield-wielding hero. The character made her MCU debut in What If? before also appearing in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

There are many places Captain Carter could appear next in the MCU, but in the comics, Peggy is part of the Exiles, a team of dimension-hopping variants of established Marvel characters, and in her home universe, she is Captain America.

Major Victory

The original Guardians of the Galaxy comic featured a team of space-faring adventurers from hundreds of years into the Marvel Universe’s future. One among their ranks, however, originated in the present day. Astronaut Vance Astrovik was selected for the first-ever manned space mission beyond the Milky Way, and for this trip, he was held in suspended animation.

When he reached his destination, Astrovik woke to find that humanity had mastered faster-than-light travel and colonized many surrounding galaxies. Even so, he was hailed as a hero. As Major Victory, he became a prominent member of the 31st Century Guardians of the Galaxy, wielding one of Marvel Comics’ most powerful weapons, the unbreakable shield of the original Captain America, which had survived the passage of time and become a legendary artifact.


Elijah Bradley is the grandson of Isaiah, the forgotten “Black Captain America.” As a founding member of the comic book team the Young Avengers, he charged into battle wielding a replica of the shield Steve Rogers himself used in his early adventures.

At first, Eli explained his powers as being inherited through his lineage, but it was later revealed that he was actually powerless, and secretly enhancing his abilities with the short-term super-power granting substance Mutant Growth Hormone. It wasn’t until much later, following a critical injury in battle and a life-saving blood transfusion from his grandfather, that Elijah finally became a Super Soldier himself.


Possessing the ability to replicate the movements of any person they’ve witnessed, Taskmaster has established themselves as one of Marvel’s most dangerous and underestimated characters. Within an arsenal of memorized moves, Taskmaster has a complete catalog of the abilities of each of the most prominent Avengers, including Captain America.

In order to accurately mimic these moves, Taskmaster carries a shield of their own, replicating the exact size, shape, and weight of the original. Although the list of fighters in his repertoire gives them multiple options to choose from, Taskmaster has frequently shown a partiality for the style of Steve Rogers, and their shield has become an established accessory of the character.

US Agent

John Walker was selected to replace Steve Rogers as Captain America when the original abandoned the identity over a conflict of morals. While he proved to be a formidable fighter and carried the shield capably, Walker’s tenure as Captain America was tarnished by his propensity for violence, despite his obvious dedication to his country.

After being deemed unworthy to carry the mantel, Walker relinquished the identity of Captain America and reinvented himself as the US Agent. Free from the weight of the legendary legacy, Walker found his stride in this new role, establishing his own identity and fighting alongside established heroes such as The Avengers.

Bucky Barnes

Assumed dead for years, Steve Rogers’ original partner, James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes was eventually revealed to be alive in one of the best Captain America comic book storylines, operating as the brainwashed Russian assassin the Winter Soldier. After having his memories restored, Barnes sought to atone for his actions, becoming a frequent ally to Captain America.

When Steve was thought killed following Marvel’s Civil War event, Bucky infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. to recover his iconic weapon. In homage to his fallen friend, Barnes became the new Captain America, despite the reservations of many in the superhero community. Taking on the role became one of the most important steps on his road to redemption, as Bucky attempted to live up to his predecessor’s legacy.

Sam Wilson

When Steve Rogers awoke as a man out of time, one of his most genuine friendships would come with Sam Wilson. As the Falcon, Sam partnered with Steve on countless adventures, and the two heroes built lasting respect for one another. When Steve was forced to step down from the Captain America role, Sam was the obvious choice to succeed him.

As Captain America, Sam proved that the character of the man behind the shield was more important than any powers he possessed. Without the Super Soldier Serum’s enhancements, Sam instead relied upon his wits and cunning, creatively combining the indestructible shield with his winged Falcon suit to develop a unique offense that set him apart from others. Honoring the legacy of his inherited role, Sam Wilson’s Cap remained woefully aware of the injustices of the modern day, and helped to inspire others to fight against them.