Deadpool and Deadpool 2 were smash hits in the box office and allowed for Marvel to break boundaries with what could be done with superhero flicks at the time, including allowing for R-rated films. Both movies have memorable characters that had enough screen time to build upon.

Each character fits nicely into a specific role, both in the movies and as character concepts. Since they fit well, we can look at what house they’d be sorted into if they attended Hogwarts from the Harry Potter series. Each sorting will be explained based on several factors, though it will mainly be focused on actions in the movies. Feel free to post your own lists in the comments, and include the characters we couldn’t, like Ajax, Peter, and Juggernaut.

Blind Al: Hufflepuff

Blind Al, played by Leslie Uggams, is a perfect example of what Hufflepuff stands for. Throughout both movies, even with the love-hate relationship she shares with Wade, she remains loyal, kind, and true. She is the one Deadpool goes to when he gets ripped in half by the Juggernaut because he knows she’ll care for him.

She spends a lot of time spitting out the truth as well. From basic advice at the laundromat to deeper emotional crutches disguised as goofs, Blind Al is there for Deadpool. Classically, she might be referred to as weak, but let’s not forget that she, a blind woman, is able to build Ikea furniture better than most, which is a strength in its own.

Rusty: Gryffindor

While it might seem easier to put Rusty, portrayed by Julian Dennison in Deadpool 2 as a Slytherin, his actions are much closer to Gryffindor. While his main quest is revenge against those who have wronged him, there is a lot of bravery he shows throughout the movie. The easiest example is in the prison where he tries to be strong, even though he is just a child.

A Gryffindor can be just as ruthless as they are courageous, and Rusty truly fits that build. Even when he is cornered, he shows to be more scared than evil, but he grows into a better version of himself thanks to Deadpool, just like other famous Gryffindors like Harry Potter himself.

Vanessa: Ravenclaw

More so in the first movie since her time is cut very short in the second, Vanessa, played by Gotham’s Morena Baccarin, has strong Ravenclaw vibes. The traditional quirks of Ravenclaws, being fair, wise, and quick-witted, match Vanessa’s character in the movies. From her introduction, she has no problem keeping up with, and sometimes surpassing, Wade in witty verbal combat.

Though her death was problematic, her after-life self was incredibly wise, making sure Wade did what he had to do, even if it meant she didn’t get to keep him around. She is emotionally and books smart and able to fight back when necessary.

Dopinder: Hufflepuff

A case of one house wanting so desperately to be another, Dopinder, played by Karan Soni, is 100% a Hufflepuff, even though he would claim Gryffindor on a personality test. He fits the trope of Hufflepuffs being weak, both in emotions and physical prowess, though he does shine through as brave once or twice.

He remains loyal and true to Deadpool, even after Deadpool uses him repeatedly for free rides. His softer personality being present in an action set-piece like Deadpool is necessary for not only the flow of the story but for the audience to know that there is at least one person they would absolutely be if they were in the movie.

Weasel: Slytherin

Weasel, played by T.J. Miller, is ambitiousness personified. It takes a darker person to run a bar filled with hitpersons every night, but Weasel does it with a smile on his face, even keeping a betting pool where Deadpool eventually gets his name from. The only time he presents any other personality trait is when Ajax and Angel come into the bar and threaten him.

He moves in front of a picture of Wade, though this only causes them to see the picture quicker, so maybe he was quietly achieving a goal of getting them out of his bar. Every action he performs has a swift rationalization, especially when he declines to join the final fight of the first movie due to his not wanting to die.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead: Ravenclaw

It was a debate between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw for Negasonic Teenage Warhead, played by Brianna Hildebrand, but her personality leans towards Ravenclaw. She is a smart kid, though underappreciated at the beginning of the first movie. She finds herself over the course of the movie and fans get to see her using the skills she learned as part of the X-Men.

Deadpool’s reaction to NTW and her ability to keep up with him are indicative of Ravenclaw as well. While he mocks her, she is able to throw it back at him with little effort. Even when she does something dumb, like fixing the time watch, she has the wisdom to know that it was a mistake.

Colossus: Hufflepuff

Shockingly, the clearest houses to see in Deadpool are those in Hufflepuff. Colossus is clearly Hufflepuff in every single action he does across both movies. He remains loyal to Deadpool who actively betrays him at times, is a good person always and does the most good possible.

Even during a fight, like with Angel where Colossus stops to inform her of a wardrobe malfunction, allowing himself to get hit hard in his crotch. The moral victory was his at that moment, as was the pain he definitely felt. As a walking tower of metal, he remains physically humble and has no trouble being a kind voice of reason.

Domino: Slytherin

Ambition and charm are two of the driving factors behind Slytherin and Domino’s powers put her perfectly in line with this backing. Not all Slytherin are evil and this is true of Domino, played by Zazie Beetz. She uses her luck powers to make her life easier and get richer while doing so.

She shows some heroic capabilities, like helping save the mutant orphans at the end of Deadpool 2, but overall, she sticks to her own shifting path along the way. Domino would be power-hungry if the power wasn’t already fed to her thanks to her exceptional luck.

Cable: Slytherin

Once again, it needs to be noted that being in Slytherin does not mean being evil. Like Rusty above, his whole motivation is revenge, but unlike Rusty, Cable, played by Josh Brolin, is much more ambitious with his revenge-seeking. Without interruption by Deadpool, Cable would have been a greater force to deal with.

While not power-hungry in the traditional sense, Cable is consumed by his need to kill the man who killed his family. He exhibits all of the traits that make the typical evil Slytherin up until the end of the movie. He also has a shockingly emotional backstory for an action hero, but those factors just add to his ambitions.

Deadpool: Gryffindor

Another character that toes the line between multiple houses, an argument could be made for Deadpool, played by Ryan Reynolds, to be Slytherin and Hufflepuff as well. However, for both movies, the biggest driving factor for Deadpool is his penchant for mistakes, which is a big part of being in Gryffindor. He leaves Vanessa to bravely, yet secretly, face his cancer and he ends up getting Vanessa attacked multiple times because of his boldness.

Even when dealing with the potential, and actual death, of Vanessa, we see his courage powering over his fear of living without her. His strength is in her, not in his own ambitions, which is why he fits in Gryffindor more than Slytherin. Also, he just looks good in red.