Marvel Comics accidentally miscredited the creators of Captain America in the end pages of Captain America The End, incorrectly listed Stan Lee as one of the character’s creators - when in reality he wasn’t involved at all with the creation. The mistake was picked up on by fans and Marvel has since responded.

Captain America was created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, with the character first making his debut in Timely Comics’ Captain America Comics #1 (1941). Lee was involved in the comic, making his debut with “Captain America Foils the Traitor’s Revenge” in Captain America Comics #3. However, he didn’t help create the character. Marvel didn’t start publishing the iconic patriotic character for another two decades.

At the end credits of Captain America The End by Erik Larsen (Savage Dragon), Dono Sanchez-Almara (Morbius) and VC’s Joe Caramagna (Star Wars: Darth Vader), the comic thanked the two creators of Captain America: Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. That’s a clear error as Simon and Kirby were responsible for bringing Captain America to the page. Larsen tweeted out the mistake, acknowledging the character’s true creators.

Marvel senior editor Jordan D. White acknowledged the mistake, calling it “embarrassing,” while adding there was nothing they could do to but apologize for the mistake making it to print.

There’s clearly no malice on the part of White or anyone else at Marvel. It’s clearly a mistake that somehow went to print. Mistakes happen, even big ones. But, considering Marvel’s past history of not giving Kirby or Simon the same kind of treatment or respect as Lee, it’s not a great look. Simon’s contribution to comics is immense. Without Simon’s work at Timely Comics and him helping to popularize comics, there would be no Marvel Comics as we know today. He’s a pioneer who’s work in the industry will be felt until the end of time. He deserves acknowledgment.

Stan Lee is without a doubt one of the reasons Marvel and comics have become so popular over time. However, Simon’s work with Kirby on Captain America is just as - if not more - important. Larsen clearly was homaging early Captain America with the new story, so it’s easy to imagine how frustrating it might be to see Simon’s name absent from the credits. Captain America wouldn’t exist without Simon - Marvel understands that, which is why it’s unfortunate this mistake happened to begin with.

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