Netflix’s Marvel series were a massive success overall. They introduced a range of major characters into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and were responsible for some of the greatest episodes of superhero television. They were also at the forefront of the rise of comic book movie TV shows.

However, the Netflix shows definitely didn’t get everything right. Due to the writing, performances or just the way in which the characters were understood by the audience, there were many hated supporting characters across the multiple shows. We’ve listed 10 of them!


Griffin was an incredibly minor character throughout the second season of Jessica Jones. The boyfriend to Trish Walker was really annoying, with a few villainous performance choices that made everyone think he was part of a larger evil plot.

Turns out he just wants to propose to his girlfriend, who then swiftly dumps him. Everything about the character was irritating and we forgot that he even existed on the show. He disappears so suddenly that fans are probably relieved they don’t have to keep watching him.


In season 1 of Jessica Jones, which many consider to be one of the best series out of all of the Marvel Netflix content, Trish Walker was actually quite an interesting character. Fans were excited to see her transformation into the hero Hellcat.

However, the character took a turn in season 2, essentially becoming a drug addict and eventually gaining her powers through less than heroic means. Although she wants to fight crime, her choices made her significantly less likable, with the character becoming problematic.


Foggy Nelson is a classic supporting character from the comics and has always been portrayed in an earnest way. That hasn’t stopped him from becoming, it’s fair to say, one of the most hated supporting characters of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The character always wants to be involved with everything that’s happening, even trying to run for district attorney just to get back at Wilson Fisk. Perhaps he’s been overused or is a little bit too over the top in his dramatic acting, but Foggy Nelson is definitely unlikable.


The hatred for Willis Stryker comes in part because the Diamondback villain actually replaced the much better Cottonmouth. Willis was introduced as the brother to Luke Cage and their rivalry dated back to their childhood.

However, the cheesy and over the top performance, as well as the terrible costume that he was saddled with, meant that viewers quickly lost interest with Stryker, especially as the main antagonist leading into the finale of Luke Cage. It’s probably why he was never brought back.


Robyn and Ruben were neighbors to Jessica Jones and perhaps some of the most annoying characters ever put to screen. The siblings had a complete hatred of Jessica Jones and were spiteful, rude and completely unlikable. Then tragedy struck.

Ruben was killed by Killgrave, leaving only Robyn. This horrible story should have left Robyn as a much more sympathetic character, but sadly it did not. She was so dislikable still that she actually didn’t return to the series again and it’s better off for it.


There’s a real problem with Harold Meachum as one of the main villains of the Iron Fist series. The character just isn’t threatening enough to pull it off. While he has strong ties to Rand’s past, it’s not enough to really make him a strong enemy to Danny.

The character only got worse as he appeared to be cowardly towards the Hand. What was once a minor villain became almost pointless as a character. At this point, it was almost like he was taking up screen time from the far more interesting Madame Gao.


Much like their father, Joy and Ward Meachum are both deeply hated characters. Their presence on the show is never particularly wanted and it’s clear that they have been added in order to continue the drama on the wealthy side of Danny’s life.

However, despite the characters never being too villainous or too good, they just really don’t bring anything to the table. They are whiny, spoilt and any sibling drama between the two is completely uninteresting. Even Danny doesn’t get on with them that well.


Bakuto was supposed to be the major link between Iron Fist and the Defenders. He was the character to bridge the gap between the two shows and catapult the series into becoming a fight between the hand and the heroes of New York.

However, the series about the man without fear did a much better job of bridging the gap between these two things. Bakuto felt like an afterthought many times and he wasn’t threatening as a villain at all. He was rather forgettable and existed purely for continuity’s sake.


Shades is pretty mixed as a character for many Luke Cage fans. This writer personally feels like he was a great addition to the cast, but others out there believe he’s one of the worst characters on the show, perhaps because his decisions are all over the place.

He jumps from leader to leader very quickly and is a far cry from the character in the comics, which feels very retro and would not fit into this world. The romance with Mariah felt a little forced and the way he screwed over his best friend didn’t help his case.


It’s a shame that the iconic Sigourney Weaver wasn’t given a better character to work with when she finally entered the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As the leader of the Hand, you’d think she would have some pretty good material to work with.

Alas, the character was very one dimensional and the lack of screen time significantly hurt her. Fans were left very disappointed with what they were given, coming to hate Alexandra, perhaps not because of what she was, but what she wasn’t and could have been in the series.