This article contains spoilers for Excalibur #5.

One of the most powerful mutants has just been killed… by a member of the X-Men. Tini Howard’s Excalibur is proving to be one of the most interesting X-Men comics in the current wave. Howard has transformed Apocalypse into the first priest of Krakoa, and the supposed “first mutant” has been working to fulfill a mysterious agenda all his own.

This involved tricking Rogue into exposing herself to a mystical energy invading Krakoa, one that originated from the magical dimension called Otherworld. Apocalypse has gradually revealed that he’s far more familiar with the sorcery of Otherworld than he’s prepared to admit, and it’s now becoming clear that this is the endgame of a plan that’s been millennia in the making. Unfortunately for Apocalypse Gambit, the Cajun Charmer, keeps getting in his way.

In Excalibur #5, the mutual distrust between Apocalypse and Gambit comes to a head. First Apocalypse is frustrated to learn that the power of a mystical crystal has been, in his view, ‘wasted’ on saving Gambit’s life. Then Gambit admits he’s gotten another telepath, Rachel Grey, to help awaken Rogue from her post-absorption coma. Apocalypse is furious at the news, and soon he and Gambit are locked in battle; needless to say, it doesn’t go well for Gambit, given Apocalypse is one of the most powerful mutants on Earth. Fortunately, Gambit’s beloved wife Rogue awakens just in time - and proceeds to take Apocalypse on.

Apocalypse realizes that his own ancient mutant energy can be used to the same effect as the depleted crystal, and he goads Rogue to drain him dry. To everybody’s shock, she does just that, killing Apocalypse and absorbing his essence - his powers, his thoughts, even some aspects of his appearance - into herself. It’s actually a remarkable feat for Rogue because previously she’s never been able to handle absorbing someone of Apocalypse’s power. It’s unclear whether this is a reflection of Rogue’s own growth, her learning to control her abilities, or whether her absorption has been enhanced by exposure to Otherworldly energies. Whatever the case may be, Rogue succeeds in killing Apocalypse.

Of course, it won’t last. The X-Men have learned the secret of reviving the dead using a combination of cloning and Cerebro psychic technology. Apocalypse is a member of Krakoa’s Quiet Council, which means he’ll go straight to the top of the list for resurrection. The interesting question, however, is whether Rogue will find herself permanently affected by what she’s done. In the past, when Rogue has pushed her abilities to this kind of limit, she’s absorbed the powers and personalities of her foes on a quasi-permanent basis. Excalibur #5 may leave Rogue more powerful than ever before.

Excalibur #5 is on sale now from Marvel Comics.

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