Members of The Avengers have had their fair share of triumphs and defeats over time. The superteam usually comes out on the winning side of battles by the end of things, but their enemies still can get their lumps in. As three Avengers found out, a new version of Ronin is very much prepared to take down some of Earth’s mightiest heroes.

Ronin has been the disguise for multiple characters over the years. Originally, Maya Lopez, otherwise known as Echo, first held the role in New Avengers #11. Clint Barton - as he does in Avengers: Endgame - would take on the costume after being resurrected in a House of M crossover. A Life Model Decoy version of the Red Guardian, as well as Eric Brooks (Blade), would also wear the suit. But, in Hawkeye: Free Fall, someone new appears to be donning the Ronin suit. 

In Hawkeye: Free Fall #1 by Matthew Rosenberg, Otto Schmidt, and Kim Jacinto, the titular finds himself frustrated after a villain named The Hood avoids jail time despite being caught in the middle of a criminal deal. As the Hood is freed, a mysterious new Ronin wearing the familiar armor and sword combination shows up and murders two of his associates. The Winter Soldier and Falcon suspect Clint is the man behind the mask and approach him during a late (2 P.M.) breakfast. Clint denies being Ronin and says at least three other people who have previously worn the costume could be him. The two let him go after the Winter Soldier tells Clint it couldn’t be him since “this dude was in way better shape.” The trio settle on scouting out a potential lead later that night.

The trio of Avengers find Ronin and multiple bodies he’s laid waste to. Their efforts to subdue the new Ronin fail miserably. Ronin blocks Hawkeye’s arrows and easily deflects Falcon’s attempt at knocking him down. The Winter Soldier steps in and punches Ronin with his cybernetic arm, but the villain barley reacts before kicking Bucky in the face knocking him and Clint to the ground. The three Avengers lay bloodied and bruised as Ronin escape. Hawkeye quips “told you isn’t wasn’t me,” to a defeated Winter Soldier.

Whoever the new Ronin is, they are a highly trained fighter capable of taking down three Avengers by themselves. Sure, there not the three most powerful Avengers, but the feat is impressive nonetheless. Ronin made quick work of the trio and is posed to continue wreaking havoc against those he deems expendable. It’s unclear what Ronin’s motives are, but what is clear is Hawkeye is in for a tough time. While he might want to keep up his late nights and breakfasts, he’s got to deal with yet another Ronin. Perhaps, Clint, Sam, and Bucky need to call in more Avengers, because this version of Ronin will not go down without a huge fight.

Hawkeye: Free Fall #1 is now available in both physical and digital comic stores!

Next: Black Widow’s Endgame Costume Was Originally More Like Ronin’s