Spider-Man PS4 provides players with a large variety of main and optional quest missions and goals to work towards. Whether it be the cinematic story featuring a large majority of Spider-Man’s rogue gallery or collecting pigeons throughout New York’s skyline, Spider-Man PS4 does not lack in content. One of the many side quests in the game is the Black Cat doll collecting mission. As the name implies Spidey must find all of the Black Cat dolls in the city in order to receive a unique and aesthetically pleasing suit.

These dolls may be difficult to locate. Even given their icons throughout the map, pinpointing each doll can be a challenging feat even for an eagle-eyed player. Each doll contains a visual clue or landmark in order to hone in on its position. This guide will provide some key features of each location in order to assist players in their hunt for these collectibles.

Beginning the Black Cat Quest in Spider-Man PS4

In order for players to begin their cat collecting journey, Spider-Man must reach a certain point in the story.  To initiate this questline players need only continue through the main story quests. Eventually, Spider-Man will be required to find one of Black Cat’s dolls, thankfully this first doll is easy to locate and players will receive some guidance in finding the general location of the doll.

After locating this first doll, the map of NYC will be filled with around 11 cat symbols. These will serve as the location for each cat doll stakeout. This will provide players with a general idea as to where each doll will be hidden.

Finding the Harlem Cat in Spider-Man PS4

One of the many cats hidden throughout the city of NYC is located in the most northern section of the map, in Harlem. This cat’s location will be marked by the cat insignia. Head towards the cat symbol and interact with the provided camera in order to locate the doll.

The easiest way to locate this doll is to search the surrounding area for the Black Cat mural located on one of the roofs. These murals will be the most common clue as to where each doll is located, so be aware of what the mural looks like. This particular mural will be placed on the door of a rooftop’s entrance, inside the doorway players will find the doll. Take a picture of the item and continue searching.

Finding the Upper West Side Cat in Spider-Man PS4

To find the cat located in the upper west side, players must first head towards the marked location for the stakeout. Once there the cat will be close to if not a little higher than the provided stakeout location.

Look for a roof that has two sets of triangular-shaped windows. The cat will be located underneath a trap door placed in between these two sets of triangular windows. Aim your camera at the doll and take a picture.

Finding the Upper East Side Cat in Spider-Man PS4

The cat in the Upper East Side section of the map is luckily one of the easiest to find of the bunch. Head to the stakeout location and look down. Once looking down you will find a building with a spherical roof, scout out the building until you find a black cat mural on the wall of the building. Once this mural is found look to the left and you will discover the doll.

Finding the Two Midtown Cats in Spider-Man PS4

The Northern Midtown cat is one of the trickiest dolls to find. After locating the stakeout position look down and towards the right. Among the rooftops, players will find a roof that houses a water tower. This is the roof where the cat is located. Once you find the water tower continue panning the camera to the right until you find a doorway, inside this doorway is the doll in question. Take a picture and head to the second doll in Midtown.

The Southern Midtown cat will be marked by another Black Cat mural. After finding the stakeout, look towards your right until the mural is in frame. After finding the mural players will need to move the camera downwards, the cat will be found inside of the doors directly underneath the mural.

Finding the Two Cats in Hell’s Kitchen in Spider-Man PS4

The cat found in the Northern section of Hell’s Kitchen will be marked by another Black Cat mural. Once at the stakeout immediately look down and players will find a mural over top of a jewelry store. The cat will be located on the left display window. Take a picture and add it to your Black Cat collection.

The Southern section of Hell’s Kitchen houses arguably the most difficult to see and discover. After reaching the stakeout, look straight out, there you will find a rooftop riddled with graffiti. On this roof look for the open ventilation shaft and you will find the cat in question. This cat may be difficult to find at first given the dark nature of the ventilation shaft and the cat’s dark coat but look towards the left of the graffiti and you will find it in no time.

Finding the Cat in Greenwich in Spider-Man PS4

The cat hidden in Greenwich will be found directly across from the stakeout. Pan the camera slightly towards the left and look for a rooftop with two tables that have umbrellas. These tables will be easily found given their bright orange umbrellas. Look to the right of the tables and you will find an open doorway, the cat will be hidden inside this doorway.

Finding the Cat in Chinatown in Spider-Man PS4

The stakeout located in Chinatown will require players to look right to find the hidden doll. Look for a rooftop with both triangular windows and graffiti. When found, the doll will be placed inside an open window within the triangular structure. Look to the left of the graffiti mural and you won’t miss it.

Finding the Cats in the Financial District in Spider-Man PS4

The eastern Financial District stakeout will be placed juxtaposed to a large build board structure. On this structure, another Black Cat mural can be found. Look directly through the scaffolding of this structure and players will find the black cat doll of the eastern Financial district.

The final black cat doll will be found in the southern Financial District close to the bay. This doll requires players to look down and to the right of the stakeout. On the roof of a small building, players will find another Black Cat mural and the final doll will be hidden underneath a trap door.

After finding all of the black cat dolls, players will unlock a final step in the Black Cat side quest. This will provide a location to find the coveted suit. The reward for finding all of the dolls is a sleek black and red suit that will serve to distinguish players who were diligent enough to search for cleverly hidden cats.  After completing the quest, enjoy the aesthetically pleasing suit Dark Suit in the web-slinging action of Spider-Man PS4.

More: Marvel’s Spider-Man: Finding and Beating All the Bosses

Spider-Man PS4 is available now on PS4.