One of the most satisfying aspects of Marvel’s Spider-man is its well developed web-swinging mechanics. Providing players with a medium to experience what it means to truly be a friendly neighborhood Spider-man, Spider-man PS4 encapsulates what makes the Queens superhero so endearing. As players navigate through the crime-ridden streets of New York City they will not only face a multitude of Spidey’s cast of villains, but they must learn to master the art of web-slinging in order to traverse the vast city. Of course, the vast map provided for players could be seen as a pain to travel, given the smooth nature of web-slinging in Spider-man PS4, the task is more of a treat than a hassle.

For players unfamiliar with previous Spider-man titles, web-slinging may be disorienting and hard to manage series of button inputs. This guide will provide players a series of the best movement options provided to the friendly neighborhood super-hero and how to utilize them. However, with enough guidance, even novice players will become masters of the hero’s signature grappling ability. Allowing for players to experience exactly what it means to have great power and use it with great responsibility and efficiency.

The Standard Web-Slinging in Spider-Man PS4

To swing through the city streets of New York City players must simply hold the R2 button. This will allow the hero to shoot a web shot to whatever building or item is nearby. However, there is more depth to the standard web-slinging system that is not explicitly explained.

One of the key features to either adding large height to your swings or to launch quickly from a swing is at which point a player presses the X button. By pressing the jump button at the highest point of Spidey’s swing he will launch himself high into the air. This allows for a player to cover large amounts of vertical space without losing his horizontal momentum.

This same mechanic can be applied to horizontal movement. By pressing the X button at the swings “middle” point, or rather not the lowest point but also not its upward swing, will allow spider-man to launch himself forward with rapid speed. This is a key technique to use when performing one of the many chase missions found throughout the title.

Using these two techniques will allow players to gain some extra mileage out of the seemingly simple movement mechanic.

The Point Launch and Zip to Point Technique in Spider-Man PS4

Spider-Man has access to one of the best movement options in any open-world game to date. By pressing L2 and R2 Spidey will launch his web shot at a ledge, sign, light post or any climbable surface and rapidly pull himself to the surface. Items that are zip friendly are demonstrated with a white cross-hair symbol allowing a visual cue as to what Spider-Man can zip to and what he is unable to zip towards.

Once zipped towards Spider-Man will simply sit on the given perch. The ability allows for a powerful tool to scout out a given area or simply a comfy spot to look at the map or to take a cool selfie. However, the strength of this technique comes in its ability to jump off the provided ledge maintaining the fast speed that the Zip to Point possesses.

This is by far the best tool in Spidey’s movement arsenal. It provides the friendly neighborhood super-hero an option to cover large amounts of space in little to no time at all. This technique finds the most use in the various chasing missions in the game. As it is Spidey’s fastest method of travel and can make up for any amount of space lost in a given chase sequence.

Zip to Point and the powerful Point launch are as versatile as they are visually striking. Being the fastest option available to players while showing off the game’s impressive visual engine at its finest.

Making Use of Spider-Man’s Acrobatics Ability in Spider-Man PS4

This technique is mainly used for showing off rather than actual in-game applications. By holding the Triangle and Circle button Spidey will perform a cool airborne trick while descending from the air.

What makes this technique worth the upgrade points is its ability to provide the web-slinger with experience for each successful stunt performed. While providing players a stylish way to kill time, Spider-Man PS4 rewards players who make use of this ability with small chunks of experience points over time.

Using this ability will allow players a nice amount of experience and the potential to upgrade their web-slinger’s abilities and gadgets.

Making Use of Spider-Man’s Wall Abilities in Spider-Man PS4

The final movement option in Spidey’s arsenal is his variety of wall running options. This allows players an extremely quick way to travel up or around troublesome buildings.

By simply holding the R2 button while attached to a building, Spider-Man will sprint up the side of the building. Players will be shocked by how fast the web-slinger traverses the surface of the skyscrapers of New York City. Compared to the glacial wall climb the wall run makes climbing buildings a breeze rather than a chore.

Spidey possesses the ability to turn a sharp corner while running on walls. This provides another useful ability for troublesome chase missions due to Spidey’s ability to quickly turn a building’s sharp corners without losing momentum. This technique is done by holding the Circle button as you get closer to a building’s corner. Spidey will shoot a web blast at the upcoming corner and continue his run without sacrificing speed.

Finally, Spider-Man has the ability to travel up a wall’s surface even faster by pressing the X button. This will force Spider-Man to shoot a web shot up the building and pull himself rapidly up the building’s surface. This provides yet another way to traverse a building’s surface with incredible speed. Providing players the feeling of what it means to be the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

More: Marvel’s Spider-Man: Finding and Beating All the Bosses

Marvel’s Spider-Man is available on PS4.