The Marvel Cinematic Universe has grown exponentially since it first kicked off with Iron Man in 2008, expanding beyond the realm of film to include television series on ABC and Netflix - with many more in the works at other networks and streaming services. Marvel Studios officially kicked off Phase 3 last spring with the release of Captain America: Civil War and, though little was known about Phase 4, it was previously expected The Inhumans would be included. However, Marvel Studios removed The Inhumans from their release schedule and later announced the property was being produced as a television series set to air on ABC.

In addition to airing on TV, Marvel announced they were partnering with IMAX to produce The Inhumans and the first two episodes would premiere in IMAX theaters ahead of their debut on ABC. Many fans have since wondered what the partnership between Marvel and IMAX, as well as the episodes’ release in theaters, will mean for the upcoming series. But, the reveal of who Marvel has tapped to help direct The Inhumans may offer some insight.

Marvel announced today that feature film director Roel Reiné will helm the first two episodes of The Inhumans. Born in the Netherlands, Reiné has earned critical and financial success with his films, The Delivery and the historical Dutch adventure Admiral. Most recently, he directed an episode of Starz’ pirate epic Black Sails, which will debut later this winter.

Although a detailed synopsis has yet to be released, it was revealed with the annoucement of the series that The Inhumans will “explore the never-before-told epic adventure of Black Bolt and the royal family.” As fans of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. know, Inhumans exist on Earth in the modern day MCU - with Daisy Johnson aka Quake (Chloe Bennet) as perhaps the most prominent among them. However, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 3 alluded to the history of the Inhuman race through the villain Hive, who was an ancient Inhuman stranded on a distant planet and worshiped by Hydra.

So, the Inhuman royal family provides for a unique premise that builds off a concept already established in the universe while being largely removed from the MCU continuity - the TV series is presumably set long before even Captain America: The First Avenger. Still we don’t know much else, but with The Inhumans reportedly set to start filming in March and casting already underway, it’s likely more details about the series will surface soon enough.

Of course, how Marvel fans and casual TV viewers will respond to The Inhumans series is unclear. ABC president Channing Dungey recently teased that the eight-episode show will “feel and look very different” from Marvel’s Netflix series. Certainly, the addition of Reiné suggests The Inhumans will have an incredibly cinematic feel - which many have praised Black Sails for achieving. Perhaps this news bodes well for the upcoming Marvel series, but it remains to be seen until The Inhumans debuts later this year.

Next: Marvel’s Inhumans TV Show Potential Character Details

The Inhumans will be shown in IMAX theaters for two weeks starting Labor Day weekend, prior to the first episode premiering September 26, 2017 on ABC.

Source: Marvel