Midge and Susie have definitely had their ups and downs, but through thick and thin these two have stuck by each other. They are the unlikely best friend duo that has won over the heart of every Marvelous Mrs. Maisel fan. And while not everything has been smooth sailing for the pair, they have consistently stuck it out together. For every unfavorable moment the two have shared, there has been an uplifting one to counteract it.

Susie and Midge have stuck up for each other, laughed together, and taken on the world of comedy together. There is nothing these two won’t do to further their careers together. Here are the 5 best things Susie has done for Midge and the 5 best things Midge has done for Susie:

Susie: Bailed Midge Out of Jail

Susie has had Midge’s back ever since the first episode of the first season when she bailed Midge out of jail. Midge drunkenly showed up at the Gaslight and while she was hilarious, she went a little too far during her performance especially for the 1950’s conservative attitude.

Midge might have really been in trouble if it hadn’t been for Susie who came to her rescue by bailing her out. How many times can most people say an almost complete stranger who is now their manager bailed them out jail after flashing a crowd at a nightclub? Some friendships start in the most unlikely ways.

Midge: Let Susie Stay at Her House

After Midge severely offended Sophie Lennon, Susie was at risk for potentially being done away with by one of Harry Drake’s thugs. Even though Susie tried to pretend she wasn’t scared, Midge saw right through her act and knew she was. Midge was concerned for Susie’s safety as well and insisted she stay her parents’ apartment until they returned from Paris.

This was a way to make sure Susie stay safe but she also had no problem relaxing in the tub or eating the sandwiches Zelda made for her. If you’re going to hide out from thugs, might as well do it in style at your client’s swanky apartment.

Susie: Hired Midge a Lawyer

As much fun as Midge’s stand up drunken act was, it still got her arrested and being arrested means you have to go court even if someone bails you out of jail. Midge had no idea what to do as she had never been arrested before but she didn’t need to worry as Susie was already taking care of things.

Even though Midge and Susie didn’t known each other well at this point, Susie still hooked Midge up with the best lawyer she could get. Susie has never failed to come through for Midge even when they were first getting their start.

Midge: Introduced Susie to Lenny Bruce

Susie is a total fangirl when it comes to Lenny Bruce. When Midge first introduced the two in season 1, episode 3 “Because You Left” Susie could hardly get a full coherent sentence out. But luckily for Susie, Midge was able to speak for her, informing Lenny that Susie does more than just work at the Gaslight, she is also a manager with big plans.

Everyone needs a friend like Midge who can help you still look calm and cool while you’re freaking out on the inside because one of your idols is talking to you.

Susie: Has Faith in Midge

Susie knew Midge had potential even before Midge knew she did. When Midge first drunkenly stepped foot on the Gaslight’s stage, Susie knew Midge would be a star. And even when Midge was angry at Susie in season 3 after she found out she was managing Sophie Lennon, Midge still knew Susie was the one who pushed her to become a star.

Susie was the one who had Midge see other comedians to get inspiration, she was the who got Midge’s name out there, and she was the one who never stopped believing in Midge even Midge didn’t believe in herself.

Midge: Asked Susie Personal Questions

While Midge has had many friendships, Susie has never really had any friends so she is unaware of how the whole friendship thing works. Midge doesn’t give up though, she is persistent in becoming friends with Susie. In season 1, episode 4 “The Disappointment of the Dionne Quintuplets” while Midge and Susie are grabbing a bite to eat, Midge asks Susie personal questions in order to bond with her.

At first Susie wants no part of it and insists that they are only in a business relationship. But eventually Midge wears her down and Susie gives in. The two are friends even if they don’t always want to admit it.

Susie: Stood Up to Sophie Lennon

Susie goes beyond the call of being a manager when she stands up to Sophie Lennon on behalf of Midge. Sophie Lennon had yanked Midge around long enough and Susie had had enough of it. In season 2, episode 9 “Vote for Kennedy, Vote for Kennedy” Susie marched right into Sophie Lennon’s dressing room and gave her a piece of her mind.

Susie is always willing to stand up for Midge and never allows anyone to push her around. Susie might not be the best at making sure Midge has great photos, but she is the best at standing up for Midge.

Midge: Wants Susie to have Nice Things

Midge was furious when Susie started to manage Sophie Lennon and it was understandable as Sophie did try to ruin Midge’s stand up career. Midge even went so far to hint at her anger and how she felt betrayed during one of her acts at the Gaslight.

To everyone’s surprise though, it was Imogene who made Midge realize she was being unreasonable. Imogene helped Midge understand that Susie needed to make a living as well and managing Sophie Lennon would be a great opportunity for her. When Midge realized all of this, she told Susie she was okay with her managing Sophie Lennon, because she wants Susie to have nice things like closets full of blazers.

Susie: Made Midge get Back on Stage

Susie is always there to pick Midge up when she starts to doubt herself and her comedic ability. Back in the first season when Midge bombed for the first time, Susie was there to get her back on stage where she belongs.

And in season 3 episode 3 “Panty Pose” when Midge bombed again when she opened for Shy Baldwin in Vegas, Susie was there to shove her back on stage and not let her dwell in her pity party. Susie might not always be the best manager, but she always makes sure that Midge doesn’t sit in her failure for too long like a good manager should do.

Midge: Believes In Susie

Midge and Susie might not see eye-to-eye all the time and often have disagreements about how their business dealings should go. Despite everything, Midge’s faith in Susie is unwavering. When other people doubt Susie’s ability as a manager, Midge always defends her and refuses to let anyone talk bad about her manager skills.

Even when Susie doesn’t get it right, Midge never stops believing in her. Susie is not use to people believing in her and the fact that Midge does has helped Susie to dream bigger and not settle for working at a downtown club.