When fans of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel first met Susie and Midge, they never thought the two would end up going into show business together or being friends. The contrast of the two was obvious right from the start. But they say opposites attract and that includes friendship. While these two have had their moments of bickering and disagreements, which most best friends do, they have remained loyal to one another.

They have defended each other, listened and shared their stories with one another, and laughed together. Here are the 5 times Susie and Midge were best friend goals and 5 times they weren’t:

Were: Tits Up

Best friends always seem to have their own inside jokes and Midge and Susie are no different. Whenever Midge is about to go on stage the two never fail to say, “Tits up!” It’s their own way of encouraging each other and reminding the other one that they’re in it together. They started show business together with neither of them having a lot of experience.

But their unshakable faith in each other has gotten them where they are now, which is an incredible step up from where they started. As long as they continue to have faith in each other and recite “Tits up!” they will go far together.

Were Not: When Midge left for the Catskills

Midge and Susie are one of the hardest working pairs in comedy, but it often seems like Susie is doing more of the heavy lifting. Susie has been working tirelessly to grow Midge’s career and while Midge wants to be a serious comedian, she doesn’t always take the job seriously.

In season 2, after Susie had already lined up a bunch of club dates for Midge, Midge leaves for the Catskills without giving Susie much notice. This incident proves out ungrateful Midge can be sometimes for all of Susie’s hard work.

Were: When Midge Let Susie Stay at Her Place

Best friends should always be your safe place to land when life gets rough. Midge proved she is Susie’s safe place when in season 2, episode 2 “Midway to Mid-town” she let Susie stay at her apartment after Harry Drake tried to have her killed.

Midge wouldn’t stand by and let her friend be in danger so she offered her home up to her. Susie, like a true friend, made herself right at home in the swanky Upper West Side apartment. Take note, if your best friend doesn’t let you hide out in their house when thugs are after you, are they really even your friend?

Were Not: When Susie Gambled Away Midge’s Money

If your friend trusts you with their money, don’t gamble it away and then try to make up for it with insurance fraud which gets your friend fired, just a simple word to the wise. While Susie has done many good things to help get Midge’s career up and going, she has also royally messed it up as well.

In season 3 Susie loses all of the money Midge has earned while touring with Shy Baldwin and her attempt at getting it back was just as bad as her losing it. Everyone makes mistakes, but this one was a pretty big one, even for Susie.

Were: Diner Meetings

Every best friend pair seems to have their usual meet-up spot whether it’s a coffee shop, a sandwich shop, or a diner, they all have their go-to places. Midge and Susie have the diner; it’s their go to spot.

Whenever these two meet at the diner it feels like they can relax and enjoy themselves like you should be able to do in the company of your best friend. They don’t have to impress each other and pretend to be someone they’re not. Watching them chat and laugh at the diner makes fans wish they could join them for lunch. The two even have their favorite booth. Only true best friends have a favorite booth.

Were Not: When Midge has Issues with Their First Tour

All of Susie’s focus is on Midge and how to make her a big star, but sometimes Midge is not grateful for Susie’s focus and determination that is helping to grow her career. During their first tour together in season 2, Midge complained the whole time about the accommodations whether it was the hotel they were staying at, the car they were driving, or the club where they were playing.

Susie might not have all the connections other managers do, but she is doing her best and it wouldn’t kill Midge to show more appreciation from time to time.

Were: When Midge Wouldn’t Leave Susie

Come hell or high waters, these two always have each others’ back. This was proven in season 2, episode 8 “Someday…” when even though Midge is exhausted and smells, she refuses to leave Susie behind. Susie gets locked into a closet at a club where Midge performed because the club manager wouldn’t pay them and Susie never backs down from an argument.

And even though Midge could have simply had Joel pick her up and take her home, she wouldn’t leave without Susie. Their loyalty to one another is something all best friends should aspire to. Even when it would be easier to walk away, they never do.

Were Not: When Susie Became Sophie’s Manager

Midge and Susie always support each other except when it comes to Sophie Lennon. The two have both been in the wrong when it comes to this uptight comedian. When Susie agreed to manage Sophie, Midge obviously felt betrayed and rightfully so as Sophie Lennon has been out to get Midge since the beginning and they have become enemies on the front line of the comedy battle.

Susie jeopardized Midge’s trust in her, but Midge also should remember that Susie has a dream as well. Midge needs to rationalize that Susie’s life can’t always revolve around Midge. It’s hard not to be jealous though when your best friend starts hanging out with other people.

Were: Eating Hotdogs at the Bar

Midge has to be so proper around her makeup counter friends and her Upper West Side friends, but around Susie Midge can be herself. In season 2, episode 2 “Midway to Mid-town” Susie and Midge don’t hold back when it comes to the alcohol and hot dogs as Midge yet again got bumped back to a later time.

Midge also vents to Susie about her issues with Joel while they wait for their booze and mustard covered hotdogs, which she never truthfully does with her other friends. Fans love watching Midge being able to put her guard down and just be herself around her best friend, Susie.

Were Not: Midge is Insensitive About Their Lifestyle Differences

Midge and Susie obviously live very different lives, but this doesn’t usually get in the way of their business relationship or their friendship. But from time to time Midge can be insensitive about their lifestyle differences. Midge tends to be a bit ignorant about how the other side lives and this includes her best friend Susie.

In season 3 Susie had to remind Midge that while Midge is making $4000 for the tour, Susie is only making $400. Sure it’s nice when Midge picks up the check, but maybe she could also not mention finding $2000 in her apartment like it’s no big deal.