The people behind The Masked Singer have had their work cut out for them by determined fans who have managed to uncover every clue, no matter how challenging they make them. This time however they decided to have a little fun with it.

Fans have been using technology to help with uncovering the clues since day one. This has made it almost impossible for the show to keep fans in the dark for long regarding the celebrities’ identities. In a world where Google can help tie the smallest detail to a famous name, the clue maker’s job seems near impossible. In past seasons they’ve even had people reverse the audio process they use to disguise the voices. This season they had friends and family members come in to give some clues hoping to make it even more difficult. They’ve started throwing in more and more red herring clues that send fans on a wild goose chase to keep them distracted to the more important clue. All of this has turned into a rather entertaining cat and mouse game between the show creators and the fans that keep upping its level of complexity.

This week, there was an easter egg planted specifically for the most obsessive of fans, the clue makers did a little light-hearted trolling. During Frog’s clue package there was a newspaper called The Daily Ribbit that flashed only for a few seconds with various Frog related headlines. Only one full story was visible and only for a split second. In full anticipation of the likelihood that many very intensely focused fans would freeze the image to try and read the small print, they made sure not to disappoint. While the article started out with a seemingly innocent story about a frog it in the middle it stopped to address the fans directly saying “..but seriously, are you actually reading all this? Did you pause on me? Are you hoping for more clues?” It went on to tell some jokes but the ultimate joke was on the person who had come looking for clues.

The newspaper that is seen in the clue reads:

Fans appreciated the joke and many who actually had paused it live laughed at themselves and how crazy everyone has gotten looking for clues. It was a fun read, but everyone was quickly on to the serious business of finding actual clues. It seems the general consensus online is that they are doing a great job of making the clues harder and vaguer. However, with or without the clues some voices are just too recognizable. Beyond voices, many have identified celebrities in how they move or carry themselves on stage. This means that The Masked Singer will have to continually up its game if it wants the reveals to be a surprise.

“TOAD’S CRAZY RIDE BEGINS! So there was this tadpole just swimming along doing its tadpole thing, thinking “hey life is pretty good! Who need legs anyway?” Then one day it was swimming near a horseshoe and must’ve felt lucky. It waved its little fishy tail and swam faster than ever and the metamorphosis began in the blink of a frog’s eye. Good bye tail, hello legs! “What are these weird spongy things in my body? Oh, lungs!  Cool!” The tadpole became a frog, but seriously, are you actually reading all this? Did you pause on me? Are you hoping for more clues? Or should I say hopping for more clues? Well here’s a frog joke: Why are frogs so happy? Because they eat whatever bugs them! Hahaha. Sorry, that wasn’t a clue but hopefully there’s a kid in the room to enjoy it. I’m impressed you’re still reading this small print. Back to the frog, it really did have a wild wild ride. Though it did have some interesting eating habits and I’m not just talking about dining on flies. By the way have you seen slo mo videos of frogs using their tongue? Pretty fascinating. Okay, you’ve made it this far - I’ll just tell you the tadpole who became the frog is the celebrity we all know and love who goes by the name”

Will they figure out a way to stump the masses? What new tricks, and potential jokes, do they have up their sleeves for weeks to come? No one knows for sure but the reality is that keeping these identities a secret is a tough job when you have millions of viewers trying to thwart your efforts. Fans don’t seem to mind one way or another. It is just as fun to watch your suspicions were confirmed by the reveal as it is to be shocked. And nothing seems to be slowing down this runaway hit show that has everyone talking and speculating, both online and in-person, from the minute one show ends until the next week’s show begins. The Masked Singer is appealing to the spy in all of us.

Next: The Masked Singer Season 3, Episode 4’s Identity Clues Explained

The Masked Singer airs Wednesdays at 8pm EST on Fox.