Directed by Danny DeVito and released in 1996, Matilda is arguably the most famous adaptation of the wonderful children’s books by Roald Dahl. The film has a cult following of millennials who grew up watching it and still love it, despite being terrified by some of the scenes as children.

Much of the terror forced upon the kids in the film can be attributed to the brutish Miss Agatha Trunchbull, who is one of the scariest characters in children’s literature. Keep reading to find out what 10 moments from Matilda are funny and iconic now, even though they had us terrified as children.

The TV Explosion

One Matilda scene that scared us as children, even though it’s funny to us now, is the moment when Matilda’s father rips up her ‘Moby Dick’ book and forces her to watch a television game show like the rest of her family.

The way the Wormwoods treat Matilda is enough to unsettle any small child, but seeing Matilda cause the TV to explode using her magic powers was even more worrying. As children, we didn’t know quite what was going on here, but as adults, we can see that Matilda is gaining power with which to take control of her own life.

The Trunchbull’s Dart Board

Undoubtedly, the scariest character in Matilda is Miss Agatha Trunchbull, the evil headmistress of Matilda’s school. The Trunchball was not only brilliantly portrayed by Pam Ferris but was also made up to look as intimidating as possible. To see such an outrageous character doing such outrageous things may be laughable when you’re an adult, but most children are terrified of her.

A stand-out Trunchbull moment that really showcases how deep her hatred of children runs is when she’s in her office throwing darts at pictures of the school kids. Worse, she even nearly hits Miss Honey with a dart.

Miss Honey’s Story

Some of the interactions between Miss Honey and the Trunchbull are funny, but when you look at the complex history between the two characters, it’s clear that their relationship is tragic.

The conversations between the two may make us laugh sometimes and cry other times as adults, but when Miss Honey opens up to Matilda about her childhood, we find out that the Trunchbull is not only her aunt but also likely murdered her father and took control of his house. This was very frightening to watch as children!

The Trunchbull’s Final Visit To Matilda’s Class

The climax of the film takes place when the Trunchbull visits Matilda’s class to teach Matilda a lesson for sneaking to her house. By this time, the Trunchbull is no longer her confident self, having been shaken by Matilda’s powers the night before.

Now, it’s super entertaining to see the Trunchbull get what’s coming to her. But Matilda being able to magically move the chalk and imitate the voice of Miss Honey’s dead father is bound to disturb any child. Along with using the chalk to threaten the Trunchbull, Matilda also makes the blinds shut sporadically, causing eerie darkness in the room.

Julius Rottwinkle’s M&Ms

What was so scary about watching the escapades of the Trunchbull as kids was imagining that we might have been on the receiving end of some of her most brutal punishments. She is extremely harsh, to the point of being violent, with several children throughout the film. One of the most memorable moments takes place during a flashback of what happened to Julius Rottwinkle.

Hortensia tells Matilda how Julius snuck in two M&Ms during the Trunchbull’s lesson, which turned out to be a big mistake. In response, the Trunchbull picked him up and threw him out the window.

Amanda Thripp And The Trunchbull

Sadly, little Julius Rottwinkle didn’t even experience the worst of the Truncbull’s temper. Another haunting moment in the film is when the Trunchbull tries to force Amanda Thripp to cut off her pigtails. When she refuses, she takes the girl by her hair, swings her around, and launches her over the fence.

Watching the scene between Amanda and the Trunchbull is entertaining now because we know how ridiculous it is. As children, though, this definitely left a mark. You could say it was almost enough to put us off pigtails for life.

The Trunchbull’s Kitchen

Matilda isn’t marketed as a thriller, but there are a few moments in the movie that have audiences on the edge of their seat. They mostly take place during the scene when Matilda and Miss Honey sneak into the Trunchbull’s house in search of her doll. It’s hard enough to watch the two characters enter the house, but when the Trunchbull returns, it’s enough to make your heart stop.

An undeniably scary moment for children watching takes place when the Trunchbull tracks Matilda to her kitchen. Matilda is hiding under the table with nowhere to go, climbing up the table legs just in time to avoid being caught by the sadistic headmistress.

Sneaking To The Trunchbull’s House

Matilda doesn’t re-enter the Trunchbull’s house after Miss Honey makes her promise not to, but she does return to the grounds and steals a few items from inside using her telekinetic powers. This is another moment that most kids would find scary due to the fact that Matilda goes to the house at night. If the Trunchbull’s house is fear-provoking during the day, it’s even worse in the dark.

Luckily, Matilda gets away without being caught by the Trunchbull. But she does leave behind a red ribbon, a clue that later gives her identity away.

The Chokey

Few things can terrify children like the concept of the chokey. Arguably the Trunchbull’s cruelest punishment, the chokey is a hole in the wall that’s sealed behind a door. The headmistress locks children inside, where they have to stand in a tight space with nails jabbing into them.

Heavily reminiscent of the torture device the iron maiden, which is believed to have been used in the Middle Ages, the chokey haunted our dreams as children. Matilda is put in the chokey once, but Miss Honey comes to her rescue.

Bruce Bogtrotter’s Cake

Bruce Bogtrotter’s cake punishment is now considered one of the most iconic scenes of the movie. Bruce, who was bold enough to steal a piece of the Trunchbull’s cake, is forced to consume a gigantic chocolate cake in front of the entire school. No matter how strong your sweet tooth is, this would be an awful punishment.

Children watching Matilda might be left wondering whether there really is a headmaster out there who get away with being so horrible and administering punishments like the cake and the chokey. We certainly were.