Every season, Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk bring fans a new theme and take on horror with their well-named TV series, American Horror Story. This time around, the characters are heading to Camp Redwood, bringing to mind classic slasher movies. The fact that the season also has a 1980s setting is like the icing on the cake since it means fun music and vibrant, colorful costumes.

AHS never disappoints when it comes to well-crafted characters, and this season is the same. Here is the MBTI of the main characters on American Horror Story: 1984.

 Xavier Plympton: ISFJ

Cody Fern’s character on American Horror Story: 1984 is Xavier Plympton teaches aerobics, just like Montana, but he really dreams of being a famous actor. When he talks about acting, he can sound pretty pretentious, and he’s also hiding a secret: he filmed some porn videos in order to make money. He thought that he would become more successful in acting as a result, but that didn’t happen.

Xavier’s MBTI would be ISFJ or “Practical Helper.” He seems like someone who does what other people tell him to do, and he’s “loyal” and “follow rules” and also “low key.” Sadly for Xavier, he’s also a victim, not making it past a few episodes of the season.

Bertie: ISFP

Tara Karsian’s AHS: 1984 character, Bertie, is a chef at Camp Redwood. She seems very happy to have the job and be back again, preferring to spend her time alone in the kitchen.

Bertie seems like an ISTP or “Logical Pragmatist.” In one scene, when Xavier runs into the mess hall and says that the serial killer Mr. Jingles is back, she responds in a very interesting way: she looks at Mr. Jingles and says she’ll make him a sandwich. (What?!) She seems to approach everything in a very chill, calm way, and she has the ISTP personality traits of being “detached” and “realistic.” She’s also “self-determined,” like when she rescues Xavier from dying in the oven, and wants him to let her die instead because she knows that her time has come.

Chet Clancy: ESTP

Chet Clancy (Gus Kenworthy) is a former athlete whose dreams got totally crushed when his substance abuse cost him his Olympic qualification. Sadly, he’s also been a victim on the show, which has quite the body count by now.

Chet’s MBTI would be ESTP or “Energetic Problem-Solver.” He’s one of those people who is fairly agreeable and nice and doesn’t seem like they would cause that much trouble. He’s “easygoing” and “flexible” and also “active” since he’s been an athlete for so long.

 Trevor Kirchner: ENFP

Matthew Morrison’s AHS: 1984 character works at Camp Redwood. He’s in charge of activities but he’s very full of himself. He and Montana also hook up at the beginning of the season.

Trevor doesn’t get much of a story, and his time is fairly brief, but based on his personality, he seems like he would be an ENFP or “Imaginative Motivator.” ENFPs are said to have “a tendency to move quickly from one project to another” and Trevor gives off the kind of vibe that he doesn’t like commitment or being tied down.

 Benjamin Richter/Mr. Jingles: INTP

John Caroll Lynch plays Mr. Jingles, who is a pretty complex character. On the one hand, he didn’t actually commit the massacre at Camp Redwood, so it seems like he has been unfairly locked up. But on the other hand, when he leaves the asylum, he does murder people, so he’s not exactly an upstanding citizen.

He has some traits of an INTP or “Objective Analyst” as he’s definitely “skeptical” of other people because of the way that he’s been treated. He’s also “cognitive” and seems to have spent a lot of time alone and thinking, plus of course, he’s very “detached.”

 Donna Chambers: INTJ

Donna Chambers (Angelica Ross) pretends to be a nurse named Rita, but she’s really getting her Ph.D. in psychology and she brings Mr. Jingles back to Camp Redwood as a social experiment.

Donna shares many personality traits of an INTJ or “Conceptual Planner.” She’s “theoretical” and “systems-minded” and she’s determined to find out why Mr. Jingles acts the way that he does. She’s absolutely convinced that she can solve the problem of serial killers, once and for all.

Richard Ramirez: ENTJ

Zach Villa’s AHS: 1984 character is Richard Ramirez, also known as “The Night Stalker.” He’s based on the real-life person of the same name who was a serial killer in L.A. in 1984 and 1985.

Richard is, of course, an extremely dark and evil character, and so it’s tough to find his MTBI, but it seems like his scheming would fit into the “Decisive Strategist” or ENTJ framework. He believes that Satan is his guiding force, and when he tries to murder Brooke in her apartment early on in the season, he says Satan will assist him in coming after her. ENTJs are leaders with “long-term goals” which does describe him.

Montana Duke: INFJ

Billie Lourd plays Montana Duke, who seems super sweet to Brooke Thompson in the pilot, inviting her to come along to Camp Redwood. But she’s hiding the truth: on Brooke’s wedding day, Brooke’s fiance Joey kills himself and Sam, his best man, who is actually Montana’s brother.

Monta she schemes with Richard to go after Brooke because of what happened. The two meet at the gym where she teaches aerobics, and she’s totally taken with him and all of his dark plans. Her MBTI would be INFJ or “Insightful Visionary” as she has an “idealistic” view of the world, although in this case, it’s extremely cruel and harsh. She’s “organized” and she is also someone who will “seek meaning.”

 Margaret Booth: ESTJ

Margaret Booth (Leslie Grossman) is a really interesting character. At first, she seems like a sympathetic character, as she’s the only person who didn’t get murdered by Mr. Jingles back in the day. But then it turns out that she’s kind of nuts… okay, more than kind of. She’s the one who murdered all of the campers and she made sure that Mr. Jingles was the one who took the fall for it.

Again, this is another dark character, but her MBTI would be ESTJ or “Efficient Organizer.” Like ESTJs, she is someone who will “drive themselves to reach their goal” (in this case, opening up Camp Redwood once again), and she’s also “efficient” and “assertive” and “impersonal.” She’s especially that last trait, as she doesn’t relate to other people at all and can’t be sympathetic.

Brooke Thompson: ISTJ

Brooke Thompson (Emma Roberts) seems like she would be an ISTJ or “Responsible Realist.” She’s a pretty ordinary person, never speaking up too much or wanting to leave her comfort zone. She meets Montana and the rest of the gang and agrees to go to Camp Redwood, but only because she’s terrified of The Night Stalker and doesn’t want to be alone.

She’s someone who “values traditions” (especially marriage, but unfortunately, that didn’t work out) and she’s also “reasonable” and “sensible.” She’s definitely in over her head at Camp Redwood, and tends to say very innocent, obvious things, like when she asks, “Is everyone in this whole f****ing place dead?”