ENFPs are some of the most fascinating individuals out of all the 16 MBTI® personality types. These “campaigners” are known for their quirky personas as well as their lust for adventure and excitement. They are spontaneous, warm, and incredibly friendly, making them perfect candidates for Disney movies.

There are countless ENFP personas scattered throughout the wonderful world of Disney, and the creator of the universe himself, Walt Disney, is heavily typed as an ENFP. With that being said, which characters from the Disney universe embody traits from the campaigner personality type? Keep scrolling down to find out!


Ariel from The Little Mermaid is the ultimate ENFP Disney character. Our favorite mermaid is always bursting with endless amounts of enthusiasm. Sometimes her zesty approach to life can become so intense, that it can get in the way of her sense of practicality.

For example, her fervent desire to live on land rather than under the sea is so severe that she completely forgets all the sacrifices she would be making if she left everything behind in the ocean. All of her friends and family live under the sea, but her passion for land (and Eric) is so fierce that she doesn’t consider the consequences her desires can have. ENFPs can be extremely impulsive, and they almost always want to be somewhere that they’re not. They are natural travelers, which is why Ariel so desperately wants to explore a life that’s “out of the sea.”


Similar to Ariel, Peter Pan is a character who oozes enthusiasm and zest. His spontaneous demeanor is so unpredictable and exciting that people can’t help but be fascinated by his every move. This is common for ENFPs, who are usually the subject of fascination and interest in their every day lives. These campaigners are wildly creative as well as imaginative, and some might even say that because of their childlike spirit, they refuse to grow up.

While ENFPs are often the most intelligent people in the room, they will never give up their youthful sense of hope and wonder. Individuals with this personality type often live unconventional lifestyles filled with excitement and creativity. These guys need their freedom, and they will do everything in their power to keep it. Even if it means living in Neverland, battling Captain Hook for the rest of their lives. Hey, anything to get them out of a 9-5 office job!


Lilo from Lilo & Stitch is another poster child for the ENFP personality type. Like a handful of ENFPs, Lilo struggles to fit in with the rest of the crowd. It’s not because ENFPs don’t want to surround themselves with others, but it is more so due to the fact that these individuals refuse to succumb to societal norms for the sake of fitting in.

They would rather embrace their quirky and eccentric personas than water it down just so other people will like them more. Lilo is extremely imaginative, and she desperately wants to embark on a journey that is far from reach. She hates all things routine and conventional, which is why she has trouble in her everyday life. That is, of course, before Stitch comes along and flips her world upside down for the better.


Olaf from Frozen embodies tons of classic ENFP traits. People with this personality are known for being some of the friendliest souls you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. Their personalities are so warm, that they are capable of calming the iciest weather imaginable.

Olaf believes that “some friends are worth melting for” and this is something that ENFP personalities stand by. These people are incredibly loyal, and they will sacrifice everything for the people they care most about. ENFPs are able to help you make it through any Eternal Winter. And just like our favorite snowman, they also love warm hugs!


Dory is a total ENFP! It helps that Ellen Degeneres, who voices the lovable fish, is the perfect example of a celebrity with the campaigner personality type. Like most ENFPs, Dory is friendly, enthusiastic, and slightly all over the place. It is no secret that ENFPs struggle a bit when it comes to focusing on one thing at a time, but that’s only because they want to take everything in and experience it all without missing a beat.

They are constantly discovering new opportunities and ideas, so they are pretty much the opposite of “one-track-minded.” This poses a bit of a struggle for Marlin, who only has one goal in mind: to find his missing son, Nemo. Yet Dory is able to help her new friend Marlin in her own original way, and if it wasn’t for her natural ENFP eagerness and positivity, they would have never found Nemo.


Rapunzel can easily be typed as the campaigner personality type. Easily bored, the long-haired princess is creative and original enough to come up with her own unique forms of entertainment. A few minutes into the movie, and we can already see that this young woman is extremely talented and versatile when it comes to the arts.

She can sing, dance, paint, and use her hair as a weapon. ENFPs are naturally drawn to the arts due to their deep emotions and endless sense of creativity. They are also excellent at multi-tasking, which Rapunzel is the best at.


Anna seems to have a lot of qualities to her personality that are reminiscent of the ENFP personality type. Anna wants to experience everything, and she desperately craves a wild adventure despite the fact that she’s stuck inside the castle. Yet her sense of wonder never dies down just because the gates are closed for the majority of her life.

She is able to make the most out of her surroundings simply due to her creativity. ENFPs are also incredibly skilled at helping others open up. For example, Anna is able to help Elsa come out of her shell and make her feel comfortable in her own skin, even when it seems impossible.


The Mad Hatter is one of the most quintessential ENFP fictional characters. He is a nonconformist who prefers to make every day of his life a celebration. For example, he celebrates his “unbirthday” every single day (with the exception of his birthday of course.)

Life is something to celebrate in the eyes of The Mad Hatter, and he is set on the belief that one should never try to lose that sense of madness inside them. It is a gift, and one would be foolish to give it up.


Stitch is a Disney character who seems to possess a ton of ENFP traits. He is someone who is literally “out of this world,” something that ENFPs can totally relate to because sometimes they seem as though they are from a totally different planet far from our own.

Yet although their wild personas can sometimes be overwhelming, they ultimately add color into our worlds and make things much more vibrant.


And finally, Genie from Aladdin is the ultimate ENFP Disney character. Voiced by the late Robin Williams, a tried and true example of a celebrity ENFP, the Genie is charming, enthusiastic, spontaneous, and creative.

He is a natural entertainer and an incredibly loyal friend. Will Smith, who plays Genie in the live-action remake of Aladdin, is also a famous ENFP. Only a fellow ENFP can do justice for this unforgettable character!