TNT’s hit series Animal Kingdom just recently concluded it’s the fourth season, and good lord did it go out with a bang. After (SPOILER ALERT) killing off the lead character and Cody family matriarch, Janine “Smurf” Cody, Animal Kingdom certainly proved its willingness to live up to its name. The Codys and their associates live in the dog eat dog crime world of southern California, and those who can’t hack it are left behind if they’re lucky, or wind up dead if they’re not.

Animal Kingdom has a cast of characters that is populated by a lot of strong, intense, and powerful personality types. Everyone who has managed to make it this far has made it for a reason, and those who haven’t usually had some inherent personality flaw that was their ultimate downfall. But regardless of how far they’ve made it or why, here are the MBTI personality types of each Animal Kingdom character.

Frankie - ENTJ

When it comes to her MBTI personality type, Frankie is an interesting case. She is pretty clearly an ENTJ, also known as the commander personality type. Frankie generally seems like a laid back and low key kind of girl, but her ability to work any marks and project the kind of confidence that she needs in order to do what she does is a commander personality through and through.

Commanders are known for being almost ruthlessly logical, and even when Frankie is presented with stressful unforeseen circumstances, she seems to excel at keeping the bigger picture in mind.

Adrian Dolan - INFP

It’s probably lucky for Adrian that he has finally bailed on Deran and the Cody family for good. His love story with Deran was an epic one, but his personality type is just not cut out for the kind of life he needs to live in order to keep up with the Codys.

Adrian seems to be a pretty clear INFP personality type, also known as the mediator. Mediators tend to be shy and idealistic, but they do have a bit of a passionate personality beneath that reserved mask that they tend to wear in front of the world.

Mia Benitez - ISFP

Mia Benitez is kind of a confusing and contradictory character and person. Mia initially comes off as a pretty relaxed, easygoing, and shy girl, but the real person beneath that facade is utterly and completely out of her mind. Mia seems like an ISFP, also known as the adventurer personality type.

Now, obviously the adventurer sounds like a fun kind of person to be, but obviously Mia takes that personality style and uses it in the darkest, craziest way possible. She certainly doesn’t shy away from doing things that upset the natural balance of society and she marches to the beat of her own drum, but it just so happens that her drum is terrifying.

Angela - ESFP

Angela is a new addition to the Animal Kingdom world, but she has certainly made her presence in the Codys life known in a big way. Angela seems like she was (or maybe still is) as much of a train wreck as Julia was, but she just happens to have survived thus far while Julia did not.

Angela seems like she’s an ESFP personality type, which is more commonly referred to as the entertainer. She is outgoing, impulsive, and a bit of an attention hog. She has a tendency to get very wrapped up in her own drama, whether it’s positive or negative.

Baz Blackwell - INTJ

There are very few people in the Cody family crew who actually had the kind of mind and personality that it would have taken to overtake Smurf as the leader of the clan, but Baz Blackwell was one of those few. Baz seems like a pretty clear INTJ MBTI personality type.

This personality type is known as the architects of the MBTI world, which really fits Baz like a glove. Baz is a character who is creatively minded but methodical, and he has the ability to see the bigger picture and all of it’s moving parts in a way that everyone else in the family just doesn’t.

Craig Cody - ESFP

Craig Cody is yet another Animal Kingdom character who fits the bill of the ESFP personality type, AKA the entertainer. It comes as no surprise that entertainment is Craig’s one and only priority, because up until the birth of his son it seems like literally all he could care about was finding the biggest, best party going on at any given moment.

Craig is very impulsive and has a habit of never thinking anything through, and although he’s a generally kind person who will go out on a limb for anyone, he’s not the kind of person who will notice anything besides himself unless his attention is specifically brought to it.

Deran Cody - ISFP

Craig and Deran are probably the closest members of the Cody family, both in their relationship and in their personality types, so it’s no surprise that Deran’s MBTI type differs from Craig’s by only one function.

Deran is also a fairly self-centered person, and his decisions and behaviors tend to be driven by more what he’s feeling in the moment versus what he has carefully considered and thought through. But unlike Craig, Deran is much more of an introvert, which is why he’s more of an ISFP. And the adventurer seems like a pretty accurate description of Deran as a person.

Pope Cody - ISTJ

It’s always important to keep in mind that the characters on Animal Kingdom are very much unlike the average person. So when it comes to their MBTI personality types, they often times seem more like the evil funhouse version of the traditional MBTI personality category that they fall into.

And when it comes to Pope Cody, he definitely seems like the Bizarro version of the ISTJ, more commonly referred to as the logistician. Pope is reserved and methodical, and while he has extremely poor impulse control he is also capable of unemotionally planning and reasoning things out to a frightening degree.

J Cody - INTJ

Much like his alleged father, J. Cody is one of the few characters in the Cody family who can actually look at the bigger picture as well as see the smaller details and come up with a good plan or strategy based on that information.

J. is also not the type to get caught up in his emotions at all, which gives him a distinct advantage over many of the other characters in Animal Kingdom. By the end of season four, it seems like he has irrefutably proved his abilities as the new architect of the Cody family, which suits his INTJ personality type perfectly.

Smurf Cody - ESTJ

Smurf Cody is really the only character on Animal Kingdom who fits into her specific personality type, the ESTJ. The ESTJ is more commonly known as the executive of the MBTI personality types, and obviously that personality style served Smurf invaluably well up until the very end.

Obviously Smurf exhibits the dark side of the executive personality, since she uses her natural gifts for bringing people together and controlling situations and communities to make herself and her family into one of the most powerful and intimidating crime families in all of southern California. Leadership has always come naturally to her, and it seems like she was always destined for this kind of greatness.