Have you ever neglected your friendships because of a serious relationship? Most people can raise their hands and say yes to this because it’s an unfortunate reality. As twentysomething Jules Wiley (Kat Dennings) learns on the hilarious show Dollface, you eventually learn your lesson and start to value your pals again. When she gets dumped, she finds her way back to her best friend, and they form a friend group that is the stuff that strong, female-driven TV shows are made of.

The Hulu series is one part Sex and the City, one part something entirely on his own. And the characters make the show really shine. Here is the MBTI® of 10 of the characters on Dollface.

Cat Lady: ENFP

Yes, there’s an actual character on Dollface named Cat Lady, and she’s played by Beth Grant. She is a wonderful and wise addition to the show, which wouldn’t be the same without this unique and whimsical element.

When Jules is figuring out how to deal after her boyfriend Jeremy breaks up with her, the Cat Lady appears. Well, at first she’s a bus driver for a bunch of lonely women who have been broken up with. This character is literally a human-like figure who also looks like a cat, and she gives Jules advice. It’s only right to give her an MBTI. It would be ENTP or “the imaginative motivator.” She is “creative” and “curious” and wants Jules to be okay.

Colin: ISTP

Colin (Goran Visnjic) and Madison have been seeing each other for a while, which Madison wants to keep hidden because he’s much older than her.

Since Colin’s a doctor, he’s calm and intelligent and seems like he would be an ISTP or “the logical pragmatist.” He wants to get to know Madison’s friend group and so she makes dinner for everyone (which doesn’t work out too well). Colin follows the ISTP description of being “interested in cause and effect relationships between people, events, and actions.” He figures that if he’s going to date her, then he should know her friends. Of course, things end up being more complicated than that.

Celeste: INFJ

Malin Akerman’s Dollface character, Celeste, is basically Gwyneth Paltrow and her company, Woom, is basically Goop. Celeste is honest (sometimes to a fault), obsessed with her idea of health and wellness (which, of course, is so strict that it can’t really be considered healthy at all), and a total perfectionist.

Celeste is an INFJ or “the insightful visionary.” These types are said to “love symbolism and metaphors” and Celeste definitely does, as she often holds focus groups when developing new products for the brand. She has the “creative” part of this personality type and others are very motivated and impressed by her.

Alison B: ISTJ

Alison B (Brianne Howey) and Jules both work at Woom, but the two characters are really different from one another. Jules does her best to get along with her co-workers but Alison B is a bit much for her.

Alison is an ISTJ or “the responsible realist,” and she is “often clear and matter-of-fact.” She adores the company and Celeste and would do anything for her. Alison is pretty hilarious without even meaning to be, like when Celeste gets inspired by Marie Kondo and says to Jules, “Celeste wants us to throw away anything in the office that doesn’t spark joy,” and picks up a stapler to get rid of it. Alison follows the rules and doesn’t really have much of a personality or sense of humor.

Jeremy: ISTP

Since Jeremy (Connor Hines) dumps Jules in the pilot, viewers immediately dislike him since Jules is the more sympathetic character. He decides that having brunch is the perfect time to deliver his break-up speech, which sucks since they’re in public.

Like Connor, Jeremy is an ISTP as he lives his life according to what he thinks makes sense. His reason for the break-up? He says to Jules, “I don’t love you anymore,” and doesn’t even go into more than that. He also thinks that he should be able to come back to their apartment anytime that he wants and while he acts like a jerk all the time, he honestly doesn’t see it that way.

Ramona: ENFJ

Shelley Hennig plays Ramona, who is Jeremy’s sister. She doesn’t have a ton of screen time or a lot of defining features to her personality, but one thing sticks out: she’s into loyalty and finishing what she started. Her wedding is the focal point of the Season 1 finale. Even though Jeremy has dumped Jules, Ramona still thinks that it makes total and complete sense for Jules to be a bridesmaid.

Ramona is an ENFJ or “the compassionate facilitator.” She fits into the ENFJ framework of being “persuasive yet diplomatic” as she still wants to hang out with Jules, and treats her with respect and kindness.

Stella Cole: ESFP

Stella Cole (Shay Mitchell) is definitely an ESFP or “the enthusiastic improviser.” She is very “expressive” and will never say no to a big party. Stella isn’t really the greatest friend or the nicest person as she really tends to focus on herself.

She ends up teaching Jules a lesson in the tricky politics of friendship when she is going to a party that she doesn’t want Madison to know about and Jules has to keep the secret. Stella’s life motto is, “That was boring so I didn’t do it.” Sure, it seems to be working for her now, but as she gets older, she’s going to have to start being a lot more mature.

Madison Maxwell: ESTJ

Brenda Song’s Dollface character, Madison Maxwell, is best friends with Jules and totally hilarious. She’s also pretty controlling, like when she gives this list of demands to her friends before hosting a dinner party for her boyfriend, Colin: “Just stick to the areas of conversation that make us seem worldly and cosmopolitan. The following is a list of dinner party approved topics: the dangers of social media, the absence of the middle class, travel anxiety, Lipitor, classic rock, airline reward points, and Frasier.”

Madison’s MBTI would be ESTJ or “the efficient organizer.” Since these types “value order and structure, and like to get things done,” she works in PR and does an excellent job making sure that everything is always perfect.

Izzy Levine: ISFJ

Esther Povitsky plays Izzy Levine on Dollface, a girl so insecure and awkward that she has literally been lying about her name since forever. Everyone at Woom thinks that Izzy’s name is Alison but after she lets Jules in on her real moniker, the two start hanging out together.

Izzy is an ISFJ or “the practical helper” and her insecurity is what drives her actions in her friend group. She is desperate for people to like her, which makes matters worse, and viewers will want to give her a hug…while telling her to get a grip at the same time. ISFJs are described as being “dependable, often putting the needs of others before themselves,” which is something that Izzy should work on.

Jules Wiley: ISFP

When it comes to what MBTI Jules is, it would have to be ISFP or “the versatile supporter.” She is slowly coming back to herself after losing her personality in her relationship.

ISFPs are said to be people who “tend to care deeply about others, but they show their affection through actions rather than words.” That is exactly Jules as she needs to be more confident and assert her personality and goals more. Sure, it’s great to have friends, but she needs to learn what she wants out of life and go for it. She tends to go along with what her friends want to do, and her job at Woom is assisting other people instead of being creative or original.