From the young, spirited Antichrist Adam to the angel and demon who started the whole mess, each character’s quirks and unique personalities make them fun to match with our own Myers–Briggs Type Indicator results.

10. Adam Young, ENFJ

The Antichrist himself, Adam Young is a typical tween who wants a dog, runs wild with his little group of friends, and has a fantastic imagination. What spurns all of the Apocalyptic events in Adam’s life isn’t evil but his desire to change the world to make it better for the people he cares about, making him a total ENFJ, or “The Protagonist.”

Adam’s leadership skills are better than any of the adult leaders in Good Omens, so it’s no wonder why so many found him to be so blasphemous. After all, whoever expected the Antichrist to be such a tolerant, reliable altruist?

9. Aziraphale, INFP

Everyone’s favorite semi-hedonistic angel is an INFP, or “The Mediator.” As non-confrontational as he possibly can be, Aziraphale finds himself skirting the rules from the moment Adam and Eve exit Eden in order to create harmony in the world.

Creative and altruistic to a fault, Aziraphale actually believes it’s possible to prevent the Apocalypse to preserve the peace and tranquility (and old books) that he loves so much on Earth. He often finds ways to make himself appear like he’s doing his job while simultaneously not doing it in order to maintain a harmonious balance. Like other INFPs, he dislikes data and doing paperwork, and he often takes things to heart.

8. Shadwell, ISFJ

Like most characters in Good Omens (and in the respective authors’ works), Witchfinder Sergeant Shadwell isn’t entirely whom he appears to be. He might seem like a loner to the core, but he craves companionship, and as an ISFJ, “The Defender,” he is so loyal to his cause that it almost gets in the way of his own happiness.

Practical and hardworking, Shadwell dismisses Madame Tracy at first, even though she keeps him fed. But it’s her whom he defends at the end of the world, and her he decides to move in with. For most of the time we know him, he’s set in his ways and clings to the values and traditions that began with his past. Like many ISFJs, he doesn’t enjoy the idea of change at all.

7. War, ESTP

On the surface, it might seem as if War would be an introvert, but this one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is truly a people person, even if it’s just a means to an end. As an ESTP, “The Entrepreneur,” War thrives as the center of any conflict, and she uses her powers to twist things to make them go her way.

She’s sociable, direct, and bold, all qualities that are required to help maintain the violent status of global conflict she holds so dear. Like other ESTPs, War can be quite defiant and insensitive with others, which also comes with her territory.

6. Death, INTP

Death is a fairly cautious being, especially for one of the Four Horsemen, and his presence doesn’t change, whether the Apocalypse is happening or not, which makes him an INTP, or “The Logician.” Death is honest and objective, and unlike his cohorts, he doesn’t want to choose sides. Those who’ve seen him appear in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series know him as a parody of many different forms of death and more of a sympathetic character than not, but in Good Omens, he’s got a darker personality.

Like other Logicians, Death likes to work behind the scenes, and he’s omnipresent and prone to take his time rather than rush toward the ending that his fellow Horsemen are so eager to enjoy.

5. Agnes Nutter, ENTJ

It’s difficult being a witch with access to all of the “Nice and Accurate Prophecies,” especially when a town that previously used you for help turns on you. As an ENTJ, Agnes Nutter is “The Commander” who knows that her prophecies must be used to lead others, even if it means her own ending. She’s quite confident in her own abilities and strong-willed enough to enact a bit of revenge upon those who come to do her in.

She’s one of the most strategic thinkers in the series, placing clues well ahead of her time in her book to help guide her ancestors in saving the world. She’s a problem-solver in this regard, but she’s also impatient enough to meet the villagers coming for her head-on.

4. Anathema Device, ENTP

Sensible Anathema, with her Ph.D. degree in her early 20s, is an ENTP, “The Debater.” She’s incredibly knowledgeable, not only due to her book of prophecies but also due to the studies that she so rigorously pursues on her own.

She’s a brilliant, quick thinker who’s good at brainstorming, although she can be quite insensitive, particularly with those who aren’t up to speed with her level of thought. She’s also intolerant of other people’s shortcomings and loses interest quickly in things that don’t hold her attention, whether that means practical everyday activities or the attention of a lackluster suitor.

3. Newton Pulsifer, ESFP

Newt is an example of the worst-case scenario of an ESFP, “The Entertainer.” He desperately wants to experience more of what life has to offer and to make friends, but his status as a general walking disaster prevents it from happening. He’s super sensitive and is terrible at making long-term plans, and even as a tinkerer, he’s too unfocused to really make something of himself.

Like other Entertainers, Newt would much rather work on a team than alone, and he’s most likely to get caught up in the excitement of the moment. Given that Entertainers often mirror the mood around them, it’s no wonder that Newt was pretty much a failure at everything until he met Anathema.

2. Beelzebub, ENFP

As a messenger of Hell, Beelzebub is all about absolutes, which only further epitomizes Pratchett and Gaiman’s message regarding just how similar angels and demons are. An ENFP, “The Campaigner,” Beelzebub is one of the loudest characters in Good Omens.

They’re a good communicator to the extreme, serving as the representative of Hell during the Apocalypse, and instead of taking things at face value, they have to mold them and find an underlying meaning that supports their purpose, such as assuming Adam wants to rule the world in the way it was foretold rather than in a way that Adam himself has envisioned. Like other ENFPs, they can find it difficult to focus to the point of needing to return to Hell to seek further instructions.

1. Crowley, ENTP

From his dedication to stopping Armageddon to his re-routing London traffic to cause chaos in the long-term, Crowley is all about the big picture. He’s an ENTP, “The Debater,” and like Anathema, he’s a great thinker who comes up with excellent plans through brainstorming. He even procures holy water to use in the case of his best-laid plans failing.

He’s also prone to questioning everything, including the great plan Aziraphale is so fond of defending as “ineffable.” Unlike Anathema, he’s more of a lazy ENTP, and his creative plans are usually designed to ensure that he can simply do the least amount of work possible in order to enjoy the human lifestyle.