Jane the Virgin has captured the hearts of many audiences over the last five seasons. From Jane’s good-natured but naive personality to Rogelio’s fits of hilarious drama, it’s hard not to fall in love with the people we meet in the show. For a show that’s gone under the radar at times, it’s certainly going to be hard to say goodbye to some of these faces. Each of these characters has brought something to the table and have grown so much over the course of the show. Even Petra, who we just love to hate, has begun to redeem herself.

While we’re certainly going to miss the adventures of the Villanueva clan and their friends, for now, we can keep them alive in our hearts and in our minds. It’s time we give these characters the Myers-Briggs® personality test.


Our beloved main character, Jane, is a good person in the purest sense. She’s the one who people go to if they need to make the right decision, and despite being a romantic, she’s also someone who is attempting to navigate her own crazy life in the most logical way possible. INTJ personality types are usually described as organized, strategic planners who are always thinking about the big picture. As we know, Jane loves lists and organization and is constantly thinking about the future. When things are up in the air, as they usually are, she can’t focus on anything but a solution. She is a strategic planner who made a great teacher before she decided to be a full-time writer.


Xiomara is Jane’s mother and one of the more outspoken rule-breakers on the show. Once wild and crazy, Xio has since settled into her role of being a good mother and friend. One of Xio’s biggest qualities is that, even though she is currently fighting cancer, she is still everyone else’s rock. As River Fields calls her in last week’s episode, she is a “Rogelio Whisperer.” She’s the only one who can talk Rogelio down when he’s being extra, and she can also get through to Jane when she’s being stubborn. Xio’s also the one you always know is in your corner, and who will go to bat for you at all times. ENFJ personalities enjoy being facilitators and working in team environments, always putting the needs of others before their own. If that isn’t Xio, we don’t know what is.


Alba is the heart of the Villanueva family and the moral compass for literally everyone. A devoted Catholic, but with a progressive mindset, she is always trying to make sure her family is upholding her values. She’s Jane’s beloved Abuela who has been there to help raise her since she was born, so she is someone everyone looks up to as the voice of reason. ISFJ personalities are practical, rational and are dedicated to helping others solve their problems. That’s our Alba. If you want the most wholesome advice, you go to her. And if you’re not making a good decision, you’ll have to face Alba’s judgment.


With his larger-than-life personality and knack for being a drama queen, Rogelio is definitely an entertainer. ESFPs are often extremely expressive, enthusiastic, and enjoy being with people. Our Rogelio can often be found feuding with a costar on set or attempting to make Jane’s love interest his best friend. But despite how desperate for attention Rogelio is, he is always there for his loved ones and is always going above and beyond to make sure they are safe and happy. He may make some impulsive decisions, but it’s always in the name of love or family, and that’s what we love about him. That and his ability to constantly find himself in a dramatic mess.


Rafael works hard to make sure that his family has what they need. He’s gone from luxury hotel mogul to modest real estate agent and has remained dedicated to his family throughout the entire journey. While he kind of appeared as a jerk at first, it soon became clear that he has a good, strong heart and a hard-working mentality. ISTJ personality types are often the pragmatic, dependable, realistic individuals who seem to act as the voice of reason for the people in their lives. Rafael does this often, in making decisions and personal sacrifices that will better his family, such as taking on a regular job so that Jane can focus on her writing career.


Love her or hate her, Petra is a vital force behind the Marbella. In fact, right now she’s the reason it’s still intact. This is a woman who knows what she wants and makes sure that she gets it, even if she has to develop a questionable scheme. She is an ENTJ because this personality type includes the decision makers who see an opportunity and take advantage of it. In the beginning, of course, we all hated her. But over the last little while, she’s begun to prove to us that she is a good person deep down inside. Despite her habit of getting wrapped up in crazy schemes and bossing the Marbella staff around like a tyrant.


Just to be clear, we’re talking about original Michael here. Not Michael 2.0 (AKA Jason). Michael is an ESTP because he is a problem solver by nature, always looking for ways that he can help everyone. He spent his life on the police force, trying to solve the Marbella’s biggest mysteries and crimes. On top of that, he was dedicated to Jane despite the fact that they ended up in a love triangle with Rafael. A lot of guys wouldn’t stick around through that, but he did because he was madly in love with Jane. His ability to constantly be there for Jane made him beloved by just about everyone. Except maybe Rafael.


Jane and Rafael’s son, Mateo, is generally a curious little guy who doesn’t let a lot slip past him. Even when Jane tries her best to hide something. He’s constantly asking questions about things and wanting to learn more. ENTP personality types are adventurous and always looking for new ideas and new ways to do things. That’s Mateo, alright. Always on the move and never skipping a beat, this little guy brightens up everyone’s lives while also being, well, a typical kid.


Luisa is also one of those characters you started out hating but began to love along the way. It’s clear that she’s a victim of her own trusting nature. ISFP personality types are people who are frequently applying themselves to be of service to others and helping others solve their own problems. Unfortunately, Luisa’s own desire to help others allows her to be used by the people in her life, particularly Sin Rostro. She’s easily swayed and has an addictive personality, so she has to spend most of her time protecting herself from the evils of the world. Despite her best efforts, that doesn’t always work out.


What can we say? Sin Rostro is a boss. She’s evil, but she’s a boss. Even though she’s currently behind bars, she still somehow finds a way to remain in control. No one really knows how she does it, but she is definitely smarter than she gets credit for. ENTJ personalities enjoy being in control and making decisions, capitalizing on opportunities that present themselves. That’s the name of Sin Rostro’s game, and despite how angry she makes us, you can’t help but be so intrigued by what she’s doing.