The Kingdom Hearts series has a huge theme that it explores: the heart. There are people without hearts, there are hearts corrupted by darkness, and there are hearts inside other people’s hearts.

Speaking of hearts, what better way to explore people’s hearts than through their Myers-Briggs® types? We do not need unethical science like so many used in the games to unlock a heart’s potential.

This list will focus on the keyblade wielders of the series. After all, they are the games’ focus. Not every one of them is built the same either. It goes to show that any heart can have a keyblade.

11. Sora – ESFP

Of course Sora’s Myers-Briggs® type would be known as “The Entertainer.” He is spontaneous, energetic, trusting, and generous. There is a lot of love in his heart, but even he can have his faults. He does not think far ahead and will always choose how he feels over any logical thought. Every fan also knows that Sora is an extrovert. The day he is introverted is the day something has gone very wrong for him. He loves attention and loves to get others to open up to him. Maybe this is why his heart is basically a hotel for a couple others.

10. Riku – ISTP And INTJ

If anyone in the series taught us that hearts can change, it’s Riku. He is a different person when you compare Riku from the first Kingdom Hearts to the most recent game. Riku starts off as someone who embraces the darkness. Like Sora, he is swept away by his senses rather than the idea of a bigger picture.

However, as Riku fights against the darkness in his heart, he has to think of a bigger picture and he has to be less reckless. That’s why he goes from sensing to intuitive and from perceiving to judging.

9. Kairi – ESFJ

Kairi is the most difficult character to categorize on this list since we see so little of her in the series. It is a disappointment for a female character to play only a cheerleader role, but that is what we have to work with. And ESFJ is a cheerleader among the Myers-Briggs® types. People with this personality enjoy acting as support for those they love. It’s a personality that’s especially common for a female character whose only role is to be a love interest.

8. Roxas – ISFP

Players of Kingdom Hearts are there from Roxas’ beginning and see his heart grow. He is inspired and influenced by those around him and he slowly begins breaking convention as he starts drawing conclusions of his own.

So with that mindset, of course his personality is called, “The Adventurer.” Roxas becomes an unpredictable character by the end. He takes in the world around him, reflects on it, and it changes him.

7. Axel – ENTP

Axel’s personality type would also be known as the person who loves playing devil’s advocate. He is a bit of a trickster in the series who is not afraid to get his hands dirty once in a while. He even shows a sort of joy from being the underdog. He is charismatic and adaptable, making a lot of his fellow Organization members not know if he is truly on their side or not. A personality like this one can easily make a character a fan favorite since they are so fun to watch.

6. Xion - INFJ

Like Roxas, we see Xion grow a personality. She starts off as an emotionless doll and slowly gains a heart through the people she is around. Different characters see her various ways, but the Xion we know is definitely INFJ.

Despite being soft-spoken, she has strong opinions. She also helps Sora in the most major way possible through self-sacrifice because she cares about making a big impact that will not go to waste even if it means that she disappears.

5. Aqua – ISTJ

To be a keyblade master, this personality would make sense. ISTJ’s are dutiful, logical, and often make the vital core in any group. Aqua was definitely the vital center between herself, Terra, and Ventus. When they were beaten, she was the one meant to pick up the pieces. She never makes assumptions without facts involved. This is why she becomes the master instead of Terra. Her personality is that of an ideal student. A common complaint of this type is that people with this personality can act robotic due to their introverted personalities.

4. Terra – INFP

Next to Kairi, Terra is a difficult character to read. You can pay a ton of attention during Birth by Sleep to Terra’s behavior, and you would still be split on what Myers-Briggs® he could have. INFP seems most likely because the reason he ends up accidentally helping villains is by having them prey on this personality type.

INFP’s are sweet and idealistic and Terra shows that by him wanting to look for the good in everyone. This also means he is a great listener, but talks to few people, thus his introverted personality.

3. Ventus – ESFP

It is should be unsurprising for a Kingdom Hearts fan to learn that Ventus and Sora have the same Myers-Briggs® type. For both of them, friends are the number one most important things in their lives. They are clueless about the bigger picture they are playing into. Maybe this is part of why Ventus lived in Sora’s heart for so long. Maybe the hearts were attracted to each other because they had the same Myers-Briggs® type. Whatever the case may be, Ventus and Sora both shared a lot for a while.

2. Eraqus – ISTJ

Sharing the same Myers Briggs type as Aqua is Eraqus. That may be why Eraqus chose her as the keyblade master, because she had the same personality type as him.

ISTJ is also very common out of the 16 possible Myers-Briggs® types there are. Eraqus is dutiful, factual, and values integrity and hard work. Like Aqua, he is a stabilizer. He is a rock for others to lean on.

1. Xehanort – INTJ

To any who are very familiar with Myers-Briggs® types, this one should come as no surprise. INTJ is the staple villain personality type. That does not mean every INTJ is meant to be a villain though. For example, Riku’s reformed side is an INTJ. It is actually kind of funny that is type is so common in villains, as it’s known as one of the rarest to have. These personality types have a desire for knowledge and rarely find like-minded people. They are known to do things that seem contradictive, but it’s perfectly logical to them. They are both idealists, but also cynical all at once.