The final season of Peaky Blinders aired earlier this year, with just as much intensity and mastery as the previous seasons. Loosely based on the real-life Peaky Blinders gang based in Birmingham, England, during the 1800s and 1900s, Peaky Blinders is a historical crime drama that viewers just can’t get enough of. What makes the series so captivating - apart from the flashy costumes and incredible performances - are the characters at the heart of the story.

The plot may be exciting, full of shady figures and horrendous crime, but it’s the Shelby family that makes it stand out from other shows in the same vein. Thomas Shelby is an iconic, memorable character with a strong set of values. The characters around him, Shelby or not, are all unique in their personalities, allowing to gage every Peaky Blinders’ MBTI® type.

Lizzie Stark - ISFJ

Lizzie spends a lot of time in the show keeping her head down and staying out of trouble. She does what people tell her, submitting rather than rebelling. Over time, she evolves and learns to find her voice.

ISFJs are known for being quiet and friendly, which are defining aspects of Lizzie’s character. She’s always ready to listen to those she cares about, like John, Thomas, and even Linda. She tries to help them solve their problems, or at least to help them feel better when they’re at rock bottom. As Lizzie’s relationship with Thomas evolves, she also becomes more independent and responsible, stepping into a more authoritative role. She’s loyal and considerate of his grief but is committed to keeping an orderly home and family environment for their child.

Finn Shelby - INFJ

Finn grows up dreaming of becoming a member of the Peaky Blinders, though the adults often try to shield him from that world of crime and violence. He’s curious about what drives Thomas and why he’s so successful, which is a typical INFJ quality.

INFJs are insightful and yearn to understand what motivates other people. Like an INFJ, Finn wants to serve a cause (the Peaky Blinders) and never strays from his values, which he forms at a very young age. This often worries the adults responsible for Finn, especially Polly. He tries to be as organized and confident as he can in undertaking tasks, though he’s not always successful.

Gina Gray - ESTJ

Gina is an elusive character and one of the most recent villains introduced to the show. Like an ESTJ, she’s very organized and controlling. She manipulates Michael into trying to take over the Shelby enterprise, which may be callous, but very cunning.

Gina is practical, decisive, and efficient. When one plan doesn’t work out, she moves straight on to the next, displaying incredible foresight. She may be one of the bad guys, but Gina gets things done, often in a systematic fashion. Like an ESTJ, she wants others to join her on her ventures, which often means manipulating Michael.

Thomas Shelby - INTJ

Leader of the family gang, who contributed to many of the best scenes in Peaky Blinders and also patriarch of the Shelby family, Thomas Shelby returns from the Great War a different man. His constant evolution and air of mystique make Thomas Shelby’s personality type a little elusive.

In the face of his personal struggles, Thomas maintains a calm and confident exterior, making him a capable leader and a fearsome enemy. He’s a master manipulator, orchestrating events behind the scenes in order to achieve results. Ambitious, cunning, and independent, Thomas Shelby’s MBTI® is INTJ.

Aunt Polly - ESFJ

As one of the best characters in Peaky Blinders, Elizabeth “Polly” Gray is the matriarch of the Shelby family. When Thomas, Arthur, and John are away in the War, Aunt Polly is the one to handle the gang’s dealings, and when the brothers return and Thomas takes over the role as leader, Aunt Polly steps into the role of treasurer.

A caring and conscientious woman, Aunt Polly is a pragmatist who does what needs to be done and acts as the voice of reason when the need arises. She fights to maintain the authority and respectability of her family. Sensible, caring, and devoted to the people she loves, Polly Gray is an ESFJ.

Arthur Shelby - ESFP

Tommy is the mind of the Shelby family, while Arthur is the muscle. He served alongside his brother during the war, working as a sapper, digging tunnels, and using explosives to thwart the enemy - and, like his brother, the war takes a toll on his mental state.

With plenty of quotes that perfectly sum up Arthur Shelby, he has a tendency to act before thinking, and he would much rather get in the thick of it than sit on the sidelines making plans and calculating. A conflicted character, he often relies on the distractions of alcohol and sex, but just as often repents and turns to religion for redemption. While he sometimes trips up, Arthur isn’t unfeeling, and his adaptability and sociable nature, make him an ESFP.

Ada Thorne - INFP

The fourth and only female Shelby sibling, Ada acts as the Head of Acquisitions of the Shelby Company Limited. Forward-thinking and with quite the rebellious streak, Ada is also a communist, and begins a secret relationship with - and eventually marries - fellow communist and wanted man, Freddie Thorne.

Ada cares about her family, but she’s also willing to separate herself from them because she dislikes their lifestyle. This desire to lead a life that’s congruent with her inner ideals is typical of an INFP. INFPs are curious, innovative, and love coming up with new ideas. Adaptable, loyal, and values-driven, the INFPs like to maintain harmony but aren’t afraid to resist when one of their values is threatened.

John Shelby - ESTP

The third Shelby brother, John almost always picks logic and rationality over his emotions. His preference for pragmatism as well as his desire to dive into the action make him an ESTP.

As an ESTP, John likes to focus on the present, and when resolving issues, he prefers to take measures that provide immediate results. He enjoys working with others more than he does working alone, and his flexibility and quick thinking make him great at improvising. Temperamental at times, but with a sense of humor his brothers don’t have, John is clearly an ESTP.

Linda Shelby - ISTP

Arthur’s wife is Linda, a Quaker who tries to help him sober up and get his act together. Arthur has a soft spot for her, which gives her a certain amount of power over him - something Thomas greatly dislikes.

Linda is deeply religious, which causes a lot of tension between her husband and the other members of the Shelby clan. She can also be a tough negotiator. She may seem like a goody-two-shoes on the surface, but she’s not afraid to drive a hard bargain to get what she wants. Linda values efficiency and is one of the few people Thomas admits is smart. This is largely thanks to her skills in observation and analysis, which make her an ISTP.

Michael Gray - ENTJ

Chief Accountant in the Shelby Company Limited, Michael is Aunt Polly’s long-lost son. Upon his return to the Shelby family, Michael proves himself to be highly ambitious, which results in a few clashes with Thomas.

Michael tends to be more confrontational than his cousin, although no less cunning. Michael isn’t afraid to rub people the wrong way to get his point across, and this direct attitude (as opposed to Thomas’s subtle manipulation) makes him an ENTJ.

Grace Shelby - ISFP

Grace begins her time in Peaky Blinders as a barmaid, but her real occupation is more clandestine. She works as an informant for the police, who are trying to bring down the Shelbys. Eventually, Grace falls in love with Thomas and they marry, which sees her take on a new role in the series and in the Shelby family.

Grace at first appears enigmatic, thanks largely to her double agent persona. However, she’s not afraid to risk everything and act on her true feelings when she switches sides. She’s kind, sensitive and loyal to the ones she loves most, and she knows how to live in the moment. These traits are typical of an ISFP.

Alfie Solomons - ENTP

ENTPs are good at thinking on their feet. They’re alert and outspoken, but this means they can come off as brash, crass, and rude sometimes, like Alfie. Tact isn’t one of his strong suits.

Of course, when it comes to Alfie Solomons, he doesn’t care if he comes off as rude, which isn’t surprising as he’s one of the best villains in Peaky Blinders. In fact, he gets a kick out of humiliating his enemies. Because he’s an ENTP, he’s good at reading people and knows exactly what will insult them the most.

Esme Shelby - ENFP

Esme marries John in season 1 in an arranged ceremony organized by Thomas and the Lee family, in order to keep the peace between the two clans. Though neither John nor Esme wants to marry each other at first, neither of them oppose it, and by season 2, they’ve developed a strong bond.

Though Esme loves John and is happy with him, she hates the Shelbys’ lifestyle and tries her hardest to keep her husband away from them. Esme often feels trapped; she longs to live in the countryside, closer to nature’s wide-open spaces. She’s also quite the speaker, using a lot of colorful language. Outspoken, enthusiastic, and imaginative, Esme is definitely an ENFP.