Can an animated series be more adorable than Rugrats? Probably not. The Nickelodeon series, which aired in the 1990s and then saw a spin-off called All Grown-Up from 2003 t0 2008, told the story of little Tommy Pickles (voiced by Elizabeth Daily) and his family and friends.

Part of the charm of the show is watching Tommy, a baby, navigate the world and figure out what’s what. Let’s take a look at the MBTI of each of the main characters on the beloved cartoon Rugrats.

Grandpa Lou Pickles: ESTP

Grandpa Lou Pickles is a favorite character on Rugrats as he loves hanging out with his grandson Tommy and his friends. He’s still got the spirit of a kid, which is funny to watch, but he can’t help but fall asleep pretty much all the time.

His MBTI would be ESTP or “Enthusiastic Improviser.” He’s got many of the personality traits: “friendly” and “playful” and “generous.” One of Grandpa’s best moments is in the first season when he gives Tommy chocolate milk and the babies argue over it, learning an important lesson when it spills and no one gets to enjoy it. He knows that chocolate milk is much better than regular milk, and this displays his fun, childlike personality.

Susie Carmicheal: ESFJ

Susie Carmichael is the three-year-old friend of Tommy and the babies. She and Angelica don’t get along at all and she’s always there for them since she understands how mean Angelica can be.

Susie’s MBTI would be ESFJ or “Supportive Contributor.” In the second two episode “The Slide,” her goal is to help Chuckie love the slide at the playground instead of being so freaked out (which is generally how he approaches every situation). She’s “harmonious” and “sympathetic” and loyal."

Chas Finster: ISFP

Chuckie’s dad, Chas Finster, seems like he would be an ISFP or “Versatile Supporter.” He’s a bit allergy-ridden, cares deeply about his son, and is “caring” and “sensitive.”

ISFPs are “attuned to others” which describes Chas, who is particularly concerned and compassionate about the fact that Chuckie’s mom died when he wasn’t even a year old.

Kimi Finster: ENTP

Chuckie’s stepsister Kimi Finister may be younger than him but she’s definitely got more boldness and courage. She’s got a big heart, a vibrant personality, and a lot of quirks.

Kimi’s MBTI would be ENTP or “Imaginative Motivator.” She’s searching for fun everywhere that she goes, and she’s “energetic” and “persuasive” and “expressive.” That last trait is especially true, as she loves to express herself through what she wears every day.

Stu Pickles: ESFP

Tommy’s dad, Stu Pickles (voiced by Jack Riley), is childlike, very similar to Grandpa Lou Pickles.

Stu is an ESFP or “Enthusiastic Improviser.” He is “adaptable, friendly, and expressive” and he’s also “outgoing.” His career is coming up with new toys for kids, so it seems like that would be awesome for his son, Tommy… but of course, sometimes things don’t work out too well, and the babies are fearful of the toys. In the third season episode “Reptar 2010/Stu Gets A Job,” Stu finds full-time employment, which really upsets Tommy because his dad is busier than before.

Charlotte Pickles: ENTP

Angelica’s mom, Charlotte Pickles (voiced by Tress MacNeille), is thought to be basically the exact same person as Angelica, which is interesting to watch. She’s definitely an ENTP or “Enterprising Explorer” as she’s “challenging” and “outspoken.”

Charlotte cares deeply about her career and fans will remember that she is often calling Jonathan, who works as her assistant, on the phone. She’s also “independent” and “resourceful” like ENTPs.

Didi Pickles: ENTJ

Tommy’s mom, Didi Pickles (voiced by Melanie Chartoff), is an ENTJ or “Decisive Strategist.” She’s a big fan of Dr. Lipschitz, believing that his parenting advice is the best around.

She’s also a teacher and she’s a “logical” mom and wife who likes to “provide structure.” She approaches situations from a realistic standpoint: for example, in the first season episode “Grandpa’s Teeth/Momma Trauma,” she decides Tommy should visit a therapist after forgoes paper or coloring books and actually colors on their house’s walls (oops).

Chuckie Finster: INTP

Chuckie (Christine Cavanaugh) is Tommy’s good friend and a totally nervous baby. He sounds like an INTP or “Objective Analyst” as he’s “cognitive” and “skeptical.”

Chuckie would never act without thinking first, and he’s also very “contemplative.” He doesn’t like change or do well with it, like in the season three episode “Under Chuckie’s Bed/Chuckie Is Rich” when his dad replaces his crib with a bed and he believes a monster is lurking there. He really wants to be bolder, though, which is so adorable and sweet to watch.

Angelica Pickles: INTJ

Angelica Pickles (voiced by Cheryl Chase) is Tommy’s cousin, who is the mean girl on the show. She always says “you dumb babies” and can never believe why they’re acting the way that they do.

Angelica sounds like an INTJ or “Conceptual Planner.” She likes to scheme and make a situation go exactly her way, just like INTJs have a “compelling, long-range vision.” She’s also “demanding” and “efficient.” She totally acts like a teenager, but she’s a toddler at three years old.

Tommy Pickles: INFP

Tommy is a sweet baby who cares a lot about his family and friends. In the second episode of the first season, he gets a ball, which is so exciting for him. Of course, Angelica intervenes and ruins all the fun by taking it from him. The beauty of the show is the simplicity of the plots because to a baby or a little kid, something like this is life-changing, even if it seems pretty small.

Tommy’s MBTI would be INFP or “Thoughtful Idealist.” He’s a really sweet friend and fits the INFP description: “They typically try to help others with their growth and inner development to reach their full potential.” He’s “sensitive,” especially toward Chuckie who is often afraid, and he’s “original.” He’s the leader of the pack of babies, and he’s comfortable with that role.