While the modern Stone Age family didn’t have a Myers–Briggs Type Indicator® quiz on the Internet to help The Flintstones understand their issues, Fred’s terrible temper or even the courtship of Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm, that won’t stop us from analyzing each character’s personality according to the MBTI®!

Like many Hanna-Barbera cartoon characters of the 1960s, the Flintstones were a product of their time, and often portrayed as caricatures of the American family, right down to Wilma’s dinosaur appliances and Fred’s All-American blue collar personality. Have a yabba dabba do time finding out which Flintstones character best matches your own MBTI score.

Fred Flintstone: ESTP

Bold yet practical, Fred Flintstone is an ESTP, or “The Entrepreneur.” Fred is as direct as they come, which means he doesn’t pick up on subtleties. He’s rather sociable for a man from prehistoric times, and he’s all about his latest idea.

Like some famous ESTPs, Fred is also quite insensitive, which doesn’t always make him the best husband material. He also lives for the moment and isn’t known for his planning skills or patience. It can be difficult for him to see the forest through the trees. Fred’s defiance, a trademark of many ESTPs, is one of his most well-known qualities, as is his temper.

Mr. Slate: ESTJ

Fred’s boss at the Bedrock Quarrel and Gravel Company, Mr. Slate is the man of many first names, which was a running joke on The Flintstones. Fred and Slate butt heads often, representing the common trope of being at odds with one’s boss in American television. Slate, an ESTJ, happens to be a lot like Fred in some ways, which makes the tension between them so tight.

As “The Executive,” Slate is an honest, direct man who wants his orders followed. Given that during one episode he was discovered to only be a manager, and not an owner, of the company, his frustration with his job is in the same realm as Fred’s own feelings. His role in the series might be unclear as to whether he’s truly the owner or not, but his dedication and strong will make him fit either job.

Barney Rubble: ISTP

As “The Virtuoso,” Barney Rubble, Fred’s BFF, is the jokester of the two, and is able to look on the bright side much more easily than Fred. Like other Virtuosos, Barney just moves with the flow and is a relaxed guy many people would enjoy hanging out with. He’s also practical, often the voice of reason against some of Fred’s hair-brained schemes, and a good friend to have in a crisis.

Barney’s real-life inspiration was Ed Norton from the 1950s TV series The Honeymooners and much of that personality can be seen in the animated series. Like other Virtuosos, Barney enjoys tinkering on things as well, often with his friend in Fred’s garage.

Dino: ESFP

Some viewers might argue that as both a dinosaur and the family pet, Dino doesn’t really have an MBTI® score. All pets have personalities, of course, and Dino’s points toward the ESFP, or “The Entertainer.” Is it any surprise that this ham-o-saurus would be the one who craves the most attention?

Like many animated pets, Dino loves to put on a show and steal the limelight, and he’s super observant, ready to pounce onto Fred anytime the opportunity presents itself. While the Snorkasaurus can get angry and snap on occasion like any dog that’s being annoyed, he’s usually all about the fun times.

Betty Rubble: ESFJ

While Betty Rubble is, unfortunately, the most under-developed regular adult character on the show, her kindness and caring point toward her having an ESFJ personality, or “The Consul.” Betty is a sociable gal who enjoys hanging with her BFF and taking care of the people she loves, even if that means getting her hubby out of whatever sticky situation Fred has talked Barney into.

Betty is known to make sacrifices for her loved ones and she loves to volunteer for charitable works with Wilma. Her loyalty and sense of duty played a part when she found Bamm-Bamm on her front doorstep and adopted the baby. Sensitive and warm, she’s also a devoted grandmother.

Arnold: ENTP

“Oh, Mr. Flintstone! Here is your paper! Catch!” The Flintstones’ paper boy is a constant thorn in Fred Flintstones’ side. The jokester is always annoying Fred and threatening to marry his daughter, Pebbles, someday. The clever kid is an obvious “Debater,” who loves to watch people squirm just for the fun of it.

Arnold is known to outsmart Fred, which is the ultimate pleasure for an ENTP, especially one who is still a child who can outsmart the grown-ups! Arnold is also known to be good at most of his hobbies, from ping-pong to marbles, and he’s not very tolerant of those who aren’t as good as he is.

The Great Gazoo: INTP

If you’re sent to Earth as a punishment for making a Doomsday Machine, chances are that you’re an INTP, or “The Logician.” Like many other mad scientists, the Great Gazoo is insensitive to the point of being downright insulting, especially when it comes to Fred and Barney, whom he refers to as “dum dums.”

The Great Gazoo might have been a really random, shark-jumping character tacked on at the bottom of the ninth, but you can’t say he didn’t spice things up a bit. His condescending nature toward Fred and Barney resulted in trouble for the two time and time again, even when he meant to be of assistance.

Pebbles Flintstone: ESFP

One of the best baseball stars in Bedrock, Pebbles Flintstone is an ESFP, or “The Entertainer.” She’s the life of the party, whether she’s a teen or a grown-up advertising queen who decides to move to Hollyrock. She’s creative, great with people and a doting mother to her twins, Chip and Roxy, whom she has with Bamm-Bamm (“Bammer”).

Pebbles has a lot of Fred in her, which means she does get up to plenty of shenanigans, even to the point of getting her pals in trouble with her. Easily bored, Pebbles just can’t turn away from something that looks interesting and fun, even if it might be a bit dangerous.

Bamm-Bamm Rubble: ESTP

Barney and Betty’s adopted son Bamm-Bamm has unnatural, amazing strength, but the ESTP, or “Entrepreneur,” also has a lot in common with Fred Flintstone. He’s always been a bold and direct person, and the cave buggy lover is the more practical partner in his relationship.

The mechanic has big dreams, and he eventually moves to Hollyrock to pursue them. Like other entrepreneurs, Bamm-Bamm is known to take a risk every now and then, particularly when he thinks his own strength will support him in whatever he’s doing. Bamm-Bamm is bold and social, but he tends to be slightly more passive where Pebbles is concerned.

Wilma Flintstone: ESFJ

The Flintstone family might depend on Fred for the majority of its livelihood, but it’s Wilma who keeps the family in order. Like Betty, Wilma is an ESFJ, “The Consul,” who puts her loved ones first. She is constantly bailing Fred out of trouble from whatever scheme he’s up to, and the family depends on Wilma’s level-headed practicality.

Like Betty, Wilma is kind, but she’s also more likely to give Fred the straight truth than to mince words. Like other ESFJs, she’s good at connecting with others and uses those social skills to try to maintain peace and order in her life, even if both her husband and her daughter are more headstrong.