Meet George Jetson, his boy, Elroy… The Jetsons might have been the opposite of The Flintstones in terms of their time, but they were very similar in terms of personalities portrayed, gizmos and gadgets used and family dynamics explored. Like the Flintstones, the Jetson family was created during a time that, while personality tests most assuredly existed, they certainly were not viral phenomenons available to take at any hour on the Internet. This is more ironic for the space-age family, since they live in the future rather than the past.

It’s fun to think about the Jetsons taking MBTI® tests and poring over their results with one another. Imagine Judy Jetson calling friends to see whether or not they were compatible with boys they liked. If they weren’t, their lives were over!

George Jetson: ENFP

Long before Phil Dunphy was everyone’s favorite clueless, goofy dad on the TV show Modern Family, there was George Jetson. Often completely confused about what’s going on at work or home, George is an ENFP, The Campaigner. He’s a generally jovial fellow who can relax easily, and often wants to. He gets stressed out easily and complains about his job, even though it’s just pushing a button every so often.

Whether he’s leading everyone in his home or his Space Cub Scout troop, George is always well-meaning, but he is known to get overwhelmed, which even leads to emotional outbursts on occasion.

Astro: ESFP

Astro is not only the Jetsons’ family dog, but George Jetson’s best friend. While he’s not the smartest Great Dane alive, he is the most loyal, and as an ESFP, The Entertainer, he lives for being the center of attention and often demands it from George. Like many ESFPs, Astro doesn’t like being bored or sitting still, even if it means chasing a cat on the treadmill!

It’s a good thing that George relented and got Astro as a replacement for their robotic dog when the family begged for the creature, because the show wouldn’t be complete without him. Everything about him is entertaining and fun.

Judy Jetson: ESFP

Judy Jetson is a stereotypical teen who lives for fashion and romance. If something happens to get in the way of a date or a good hair day, her life is totally over. She speaks in slang and is an ESFP, The Entertainer. She’s not shy, at least most of the time, and she makes it clear when she’s unhappy. Most of the time she’s a pretty fun-loving kid who loves people and having a good time.

Unfortunately, Judy isn’t as likable as Elroy, if only because she was such a teen girl trope rather than given any real dimension like her brother. She does get a few interesting arcs where she can show off her ESFP people skills and originality.

Rosie: ISTJ

Everyone’s favorite cartoon robot from the 60s, Rosie was not just a housekeeper but a sassy friend who oddly enough reminds us of Harley Quinn when she utters, “Mistah J.” It makes more sense for Harley to remind us of Rosie! Rosie is an ISTJ, The Logistician, which is no wonder, since she’s a robot, after all.

Rosie is practical and often points out the facts of the situation to Jane when she’s doing chores or even Jane’s hair. She serves as Jane’s honest and dutiful friend, completing the job every day even though she’s an outdated model and acts it often.

Mr. Spacely: ESTJ

Firey-tempered and a self-confirmed workaholic who only took half a day off to get married, Cosmo Spacely is an ESTJ, or The Executive. He is best at giving orders and not following them, as well as delegating instead of doing things himself. Spacely is a hard taskmaster who values order and tradition, and getting the job done is much more important than, say, a day off.

There’s no one more dedicated to Spacely’s Sprockets than Cosmo Spacely. He might be rather arrogant and after the money, but he’s also after an efficient means of obtaining it. Like many ESTJs, he can be quite stubborn and judgmental.

Orbitty: ESFP

The Jetsons has featured so many adorable little aliens, and one of the cutest is Orbitty. He hails from Satellitus craterus orbitus and is an endangered species that changes color. Orbitty is a playful little ESFP, The Entertainer. Many pets have this score, which works since they love to be the center of attention and do anything to have some fun!

Orbitty is easily bored and would rather be doing something all the time, even if that means hanging around on his springs. He’s a funny and original little guy who entertains Elroy, and even though he’s not chipper all of the time he is still a mostly happy camper.

4. Elroy Jetson: INTP

Elroy is one of the better TV kids, kinder and less prone to getting into shenanigans than many others. He’s an INTP, The Logician, who always looks for the scientific explanation for something. While he may not go looking for trouble as often as some other kids, it usually still manages to follow him.

When it does, he employs his open, analytical mind to figure the problem out. He’s also something of a boy wonder, studying astrophysics, star geometry, and space history before he’s even seven years old. He’s Wesley Crusher, minus the annoying bits, and one of the most likable characters.

Apollo Blue: ISFP

Remember Judy’s beau Apollo from The Jetsons Movie? When Judy had to move and miss her big date with singer Cosmic Cosmo, who didn’t even bother to ask her and made fun of her nervous stammer, she met this blue guy on her new planet who turned out to be a much better option.

Apollo is an ISFP, The Adventurer. He’s an artist who looks at things from creative angles and is interested in something new. He’s imaginative and passionate, playing music and dressing like David Bowie might had he been on the show. An artistic and charming fellow, Apollo was an interesting character who would have been fun to see in a more permanent place in Judy’s life.

Mrs. Spacely: ENTJ

Mr. Spacely certainly married his match when he wed Petunia Spacely, whom he claims to have married because she can cook. Mrs. Spacely is an ENTJ, or The Commander. She is as strong-willed as they come, to the point of even causing her husband to fear her. While Cosmo still loves Petunia (or Stella, or Starla, depending on the episode you’re watching), he is often shaking in his boots at the idea of facing her or making her angry.

Things being Mrs. Spacely’s way or the highway is a play on Spacely’s own demeanor and temper, which makes us wonder whether opposites attract or bullies attract, or create, other bullies.

Jane Jetson: ESFJ

Jane is every bit the modern sci-fi wife, and George dotes on her largely because he’s 17 years her senior. While she is a fashionista, she is mostly the caricature of the devoted housewife and an ESFJ, or The Defender. That’s because she’s normally the most pleasant person in the room unless someone is harming anyone she loves. That’s why it’s her personality that allows her to stand up to Mr. Spacely more than her husband does.

Jane is warm and supportive, even when her family members are being irritating or irrational in their own troubles. She’s every bit the practical mom, using every new gadget to keep their house in running order, but she’s also enthusiastic and positive, just as many wives were portrayed on television at the time.