Syfy’s hit show The Magicians is based on a book series and it’s filled with magic in a fantasy world. The fantasy genre is a big hit with audiences because it takes everyone to a different place. The characters in The Magician fight evil in the magical world they once thought wasn’t real - and while the premise isn’t particularly realistic, the personalities of the characters are.

Myers Briggs® type indicator is a great way to look at those personalities, sorting people based on four different things; introversion/extraversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving. The resulting combinations can tell us a whole lot about these characters - and ourselves!

10. Quentin Coldwater - INFP

He is a magician at Brakebills university and learns that he can make his powers stronger with guidance. Quentin is an introvert but he is driven and loyal. He doesn’t talk much and others see him as awkward. As he learns more, Quentin improves his spells and wins the Welter’s competition. His strengths outweigh the weaknesses.

INFPs (The Mediator) are quiet and prefer the introvert lifestyle. They’re driven and like to make the world a better place. They care about others and will do anything to help. Quentin does have a soft heart, especially for Alice Quinn.

9. Margo Hanson - ENTJ

The mean queen is a party animal which explains her fun and sociable spirit. At Brakebill university, she didn’t let the partying lifestyle disrupt her studies. She studied hard and eventually became High King of Fillory. There’s a different side to Margo as she left Fillory behind and went on a quest to save Eliot. Margo comes across as mean but deep down she has a kind heart.

Margo is strong and independent. She’s a rational thinker and can solve problems. Commanders are good leaders and Margo fits the name for her ruler tendencies. She’s definitely a born leader.

8. Fen - ESFJ

Family is very important and Fen will do anything for her family circle. She didn’t waver from her childhood destiny of marrying the High King of Fillory. After marriage, she joined the High Council. Fen is on the sidelines but helps Margo and Eliot run Fillaroy. She has strong leadership skills but with emotions which was evident when she had to dethrone Margo because of Fillaroy’s future.

ESFG (The Caregiver) personality is outgoing, loyal and likes to help others. Fen is loyal because of her relationships and need to protect her country. Caregivers also like to organize and Fen’s always planning a family get-together. She’s definitely a caregiver.

7. Julia Wicker - ENFJ

She was rejected by Brakebill University and it affected her badly. Julia spiraled into evil ways when she joined the underbelly of New York City. She still had a tough exterior when she became a goddess due to Reynard but she sacrificed it to restore magic. Making sacrifices is a top trait and it shows Julia thinks about others as well as herself.

Julia is a Giver as she sacrificed her memory and identity for others. It’s a brave thing to do and it reveals she’s actually empathetic. She does let goals override her empathy, though, which she did in the quest to kill Reynard.

6. Kady Orloff-Diaz - INTJ

The rebel is a hedge-witch and was Marina’s slave. She’s been through a lot and has a cold attitude. Kady’s past was tough as well, as she grew up alone with no parents. Therefore, she doesn’t like to express feelings and keeps friends away. Even though Kady speaks her mind she still keeps secrets from the rest of the group.

The Architects are introverts and prefer to work alone. They prefer logic than emotions which Kady likes. They don’t like to talk about their feelings with others. It explains the secrets Kady keeps hidden.

5. Penny Adiyodi - ISTP

The psychic is seen as pompous because of his demeanor and the fact that he doesn’t care about friendship. His tough exterior is due to emotional neglect as a child. Penny is also a traveler which explains the mystery and spontaneity. He experiences personal development when he helps the group travel to Fillaroy and joins them on the quest to save the country from evil.

ISTP (The Crafter) love thrill-seeking adventures and Penny is a traveler who can teleport. The crafters come across as insensitive because they distance themselves. Penny prefers to stay alone and distances himself from people.

4. Alice Quinn - INTP

Alice is the brains, and she’s what you expect a librarian to act and look like. Eliot calls her ‘Queen Alice the Wise.’ Alice is reserved and hardly speaks up. She’s shy but opens up to her peers during her quest to find out what happened to her brother, Charlie. The good thing is when she loves someone, she’s fiercely loyal.

Alice is introverted because of her knowledge and silence. The Thinkers prefer a small group of friends which Alice has. Like a thinker, Alice keeps to herself and hardly interacts with people. INTPs are only loyal to people they love and Alice is only really loyal to Quentin.

3. Eliot Waugh - ESFP

He has many magic skills including telekinesis but he lives a party animal lifestyle. Eliot is the trouble maker because he likes to drink and cause mischief. The crazy lifestyle is a way to cover up his feelings about his troubled past. Even though he has a dark persona, Eliot cares deeply. He likes to crack a joke now and then which comes across as an insult. This fun loving character makes viewers laugh.

The Performer lives for adventure and the next thrill. They’re extroverts who love to party and socialize. Eliot is fun-loving like an ESFP and tends to have impulsive risks. It explains his substance abuse problem.

2. Josh Hoberman - ISFJ

The magician went under a character change. At first, Josh was a playboy until Margo came into the scene. Now, he’s caring and loyal. Besides having a good heart, he saves people in need. Victoria was in danger as a captive by the Beast and Josh saved her with help from Penny and the Psychical Kids. He also inspires people, Margo has a tough personality but he brought out her soft side. He has a warm heart which is a good plus in the personality score.

Josh is The Protector because of his kind ways. He nurturers everyone who is close to him. It’s good to have a friend like that because whenever there’s danger he will comfort.

1. Dean Fogg - ISFJ

Henry is the dean of Brakebills university and to be a headmaster you need strong leadership skills. Fogg looks out for his students but he’s too lenient. Henry doesn’t believe in extreme punishment and his students get away with criminal acts. The most important thing to him is the safety of his students, he will do anything to protect them from external forces.

Like a protector, he prefers order over chaos and focuses on other people. ESTJ personality types avoid confrontation and are sensitive, which Fogg is. There’s no better role for Dean and all his characteristics are those of a protector.