After the huge success of the second season of the dark fantasy anime The Promised Neverland, it’s a good time to take a look back and review its cast of characters and their varied personalities. By using the Myers-Briggs® types, this classification of personalities helps weigh the strengths, weaknesses, functions, and motivations of each type.

The way that the characters fold into each other is essential to the plot of the anime. It’s interesting to see how the personalities of the children, demons, and housing staff align, interact, or differ according to how they are summarized.

Peter Ratri: ENTJ

The current head of the Ratri clan, a family of humans that made a deal with the demons in order to secure their safety and help control the demon and human populations, Peter is an egotistical and arrogant character person who is confident that he has full control over the child farming system.

His personality type is “Commander,” someone who is not only used to control but needs to take control over their situation, their work, and the people around them. He’s extroverted and judgemental in order to best strategize outcomes.

Phil: ENTP

Little Phil is a trustworthy and reliable fellow, even at his incredibly young age. After deciding that they are not able to bring along the toddlers, infants, and babies with them to escape, Emma and the other elder children entrust Phil to watch over and take care of them until they are able to return to rescue the rest of the family.

Phil is a “Debater,” someone who is intuitive but fact-based, curious, extroverted, and intelligent and will do whatever it takes to get to their goal.

Krone: ENTP

Krone is the same personality trait as Phil, although Phil is also young and still quite underdeveloped. Krone’s personality type as a “Debater” is suitable as she does anything to get her way.

She collects information in whatever fashion she can, whether it’s playing tag with the children or spying on them. She’s intelligent and willing to banter with them, though in the end, her willingness to work with the children ends up backfiring.

Mujika: INFJ

One of the demons that appears to side with the escaped children, Mujika is an outcast, described as “Evil-Blooded.” Mujika along with fellow fighter demon Sonju help teach the children survival skills while helping to hide them and bring them back to health.

Mujika is an “Advocate” personality. They are someone who believes in doing the right thing despite any consequences. They are thoughtful, insightful, and principled, making Mujika not only a powerful ally but an entirely dedicated one.


Though Don hasn’t had as much of a chance to shine other than in scenes where he’s working with the other children to help them prepare to escape and survive in the world outside, it’s clear that Don has busy and bright energy about him.

He is an “Entertainer” personality as he makes sure to uplift those around him. He can get concerned and sensitive, but is otherwise extroverted and takes pleasure in supporting the mental stability of others.

Gilda: ISFJ

Gilda is a watchful and considerate person, always making sure that those whom she loves are not only safe but are taking care of themselves as well. She often presses Don or Emma, who are huge givers, to be mindful of how they carry themselves because of how important they are in their family. Gilda is a “Defender” personality.

She’s a sensitive caretaker who believes in the strength of others. She’s incredibly protective and will do whatever she can to make sure that her family is as physically and mentally stable as possible.

Isabella: ENFJ

Sister Isabella, or Mom to the kids, is the caretaker of Grace Farms, the most successful child production plant. Isabella, like the other moms, has done everything in her power to keep the children in line, providing them with an education and comfortable living style in order to produce the best blood and brains for the demons to eat.

She will do anything to survive within her position as a mother, making her a “Protagonist” personality type. She can show great kindness but will also do what she can to maintain the goal at hand.

Norman: INFJ

Norman happens to be the same personality type as Mujika. An “Advocate” personality, he will do everything with his immense brainpower to ensure the security of the present and future. His actions are built on principles and trust.

Thanks to his trust in Emma, Norman always creates hope for a plan, though sometimes he shoulders more than he can handle in the search for a solution. He is good at hiding his stress and insecurity, which is of course unhealthy but can be brought back around when reminded he doesn’t need to act like he’s alone.


Ray is one of the three old kids at Grace Farm, next to Emma and Norman. Unlike the two, he shares a powerful connection with Isabella which has led to his understanding that the children are farmed for food.

Ray is an “Architect” personality. He’s generally introverted and focuses on strategy. He’s one to stand back to analyze the bigger picture to look at different outcomes and methods in order to best weigh what actions should be taken next. Ray is emotionally strong, though, like Norman, he can hide a lot for the sake of generating the best outcome.

Emma: ENFJ

Interestingly, Emma is the same personality type as Isabella, who stood as the main antagonist in Season 1. Emma is a “Protagonist” personality. She shoulders the weight of others’ well-being and safety, willing to sacrifice any part of herself for the sake of her family.

She is determined and hyper-focused, which can sometimes stand as a weakness as she can be blindsided by her trust and protective nature. She is respectful, just, and caring, and believes in positive outcomes that can benefit the greater good without having to sacrifice the lives of innocents.