Some people hate birthdays and lie about their age, but not everyone actually pretends to be almost 15 years younger in order to get an awesome job. 40-year-old Liza Miller does, and her journey of faking her life as a 26-year-old makes for entertaining fun on the TV series Younger. Sutton Foster’s character enters the world of NYC publishing and also learns a thing or two about being a millennial.

The characters on this funny and stylish show are what make it so bubbly and binge-worthy. And here is the MBTI® of 10 of the characters on Younger.

Maggie: ENFP

Maggie (Debi Mazar) is Liza’s long-time best friend. She’s been living the total opposite life: while Liza has been attending book clubs in the suburbs with other moms, Maggie has been making art in her Brooklyn loft.

Maggie’s MBTI would be an ENFP or “the imaginative motivator.” She sounds like the description: these types “generally value depth and authenticity, and are often described as lively but restless.” Maggie is the real deal and she tells it like she sees it. She lives an unconventional artist’s life and goes where her dreams are taking her.

Lauren Heller: ESFP

Lauren (Molly Bernard) is an interesting character. She still lives at home with her parents, along with her best friend Kelsey, because they figure they could never afford such a nice place in Manhattan. Lauren is a PR maven who doesn’t stop using her phone. She’s fearless, like when she flashes people while eating lunch on a nice day in New York City, and she’s a super loyal friend.

Lauren is an ESFP or “the enthusiastic improviser.” These types are said to be “keen observers and are generally optimistic” which sounds just like her. ESFPs can become pals with anyone, which is true of Lauren as she welcomes Liza and Maggie into her friend group. She even helps find a new location for Maggie’s art show in season one.

Thad Steadman: ISTP

Thad (Dan Amboyer) may not stick around on Younger, but he definitely makes a big impression. He’s Kelsey’s conservative, materialistic boyfriend who cares more about himself than anyone else.

Thad is an ISTP or “the logical pragmatist.” The official description says that ISTPs “get stressed by strict guidelines, lack of independence” and that couldn’t be more true about Thad. He doesn’t like when Kelsey doesn’t do whatever he wants and doesn’t want to settle down or really commit. He’s not a very likable character.

Caitlin Miller: ENTP

Tessa Albertson plays Caitlin Miller on Younger, Liza’s college student daughter who has been living in India. She’s sweet, confident, and determined.

Caitlin is an ENTP or “the enterprising explorer.” These types are “clever and resourceful” which is exactly Caitlin as at first, she misses her mom and wants to come home, but then she meets someone who she falls with while studying abroad and decides to stay. She goes away for weekends with him and really enjoys life. ENTPs are said to have a lot of feelings when they’re going through a tough time, which is also the way that this character behaves.

Charles Brooks: ISTJ

Peter Hermann plays Charles Brooks, the head of Empirical Press. He’s a divorced father of two who has a crush on Liza because he can tell that she seems a lot more wise and mature than other twenty-somethings. Of course, he doesn’t know about her real age at first.

Charles is an ISTJ or “the responsible realist.” He manages to keep on top of his professional responsibilities while still smiling a lot and having a bigger sense of humor than most people would expect from him. These types are “traditional, task-oriented, and decisive” and that’s Charles.

Anton Björnberg: INTJ

It’s a big deal when Kelsey signs an author from Sweden named Anton Björnberg (Thorbjørn Harr). But while they start working together on his book, they fall for each other and both cheat on their respective partners.

Anton is an INTJ or “the conceptual planner” as he is “independent, thorough, and skeptical.” He is strong-willed and doesn’t like to listen to other people’s opinions. He wants things the way that he wants them (not unlike Kelsey’s boyfriend Thad, so perhaps she has a type).

Diana Trout: INTP

At first, Diana Trout (Miriam Shor) seems like the worst boss ever, right up there with Meryl Streep’s character in The Devil Wears Prada. She slowly but surely proves that she does have a heart, her first nice moment being when she gives Liza a check for the money that she needs (without knowing it’s for Liza’s daughter’s college tuition, of course).

Diana’s MBTI would be INTP or “the objective analyst.” Diana often seems like she’s simply observing everyone around her instead of living her own life, just like INTPs have an “efficient, detached way of analyzing the world.” Diana is lonely and scared of really opening up to people, but she’s great at her job and has always maintained a professional and sophisticated appearance.

Josh: INFP

Nico Tortorella’s Younger character is Josh, a twenty-something tattoo artist who falls for Liza in a bar. As he tells her in one scene, he’s a visual person who loves art and people, and he doesn’t think that books are all that interesting (much to Liza’s horror).

Josh is an INFP or “the thoughtful idealist,” as he’s a great friend, partner, and businessman, but he might seem like he lives with his head in the clouds to a lot of people. He’s a kind, deep guy who teaches Liza that there’s more to life than being super organized and worried all the time.

Kelsey Peters: ESTP

Hilary Duff’s Younger character is definitely an ESTP or “the energetic problem-solver.” The official description says that these types are “easygoing, spontaneous, and tend to love life.” Kelsey Peters is a twenty-something editor at the same publishing house where Liza works, and the two become fast friends.

Like ESTPs, Kelsey loves to make situations better, like when Josh breaks up with Liza after learning her secret at the end of season one, and Kelsey and Lauren go to the bar where he plays music to try to figure out what went wrong. ESTPs are also “flexible” which describes Kelsey as she can really go with the flow and enjoy the moment. Her motto is “you’re only young once.”

Liza Miller: ENTJ

Liza is an ENTJ or “the decisive strategist.” These types “take a broad, strategic view of the future,” which is what Liza does when she decides that she’s going to be 26 again so she can work in publishing. Although she feels guilty about lying, she’s going to do what it takes to get her career back.

These personality types are said to become overwhelmed if they don’t feel in charge of their lives, which is what Liza struggles with the most. She loves her new life, her job, friends, and Josh, but she wants to come clean about her age. When she tells people slowly, she feels relief, but also it makes things a lot more complicated… which just makes Younger that much more fun to watch.