Action movies are loved for their explosions, charismatic characters, endless action scenes, and so much more. Of course, they often have stupid dialogue, but that can be ignored if you are a fan of action movies.

Likewise, one of the greatest things such movies bring is the abundance of great characters. From John Wick and Ethan Hunt to Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley, there is no shortage of action movie heroes. And based on your MBTI®, you could be one of these ten heroes.

ENFP: Spider-Man (MCU)

ENFPs or Campaigners are enthusiastic people who love socializing with others and always find a reason to smile. They are truly free spirits that enjoy the emotional connections they make with other people.

The portrayal of Spider-Man in the MCU fits this description the best. This character is always very optimistic, and though he doesn’t always fit in while around his classmates, he definitely acts much freer around the Avengers.

ISFJ: Captain America (MCU)

ISFJs or Defenders are dedicated and warm protectors who always strive to protect those they love. They are very sociable and have great analytical skills, but their individual traits are often different from their qualities.

Captain America as portrayed in the MCU has this kind of personality. He is perhaps the most selfless character in the franchise and always puts the well-being of others before his own.

ISTJ: Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games)

ISTJs or Logisticians are very practical people. They are fact-oriented and extremely reliable when it comes to doing virtually anything. They are always dedicated to their goals and pride themselves on the work they do. They are also very responsible.

Katniss Everdeen from the popular dystopian YA books that were then adapted into movies is a Logistician. She cares about her family a lot and always approaches matters with a practical point of view. In addition to that, she is very goal-driven.

ENFJ: Wonder Woman (Wonder Woman)

ENFJs or Protagonists are charismatic leaders who are able to mesmerize their listeners. They are truly inspirational figures who want to do as much good in the world as they can.

Wonder Woman from the movie of the same name is an example of a Protagonist. She is incredibly charming and inspires those around her to fight in a battle that might look hopeless.

INTJ: Ellen Ripley (Alien)

INTJs or Architects are strategic thinkers who always have a plan for everything. They are very analytical and are quite curious about everything in the world.

Ellen Ripley from the Alien franchise is an example of an INTJ. Her goal is to survive and get rid of the xenomorph, so she will do anything to kill him. Likewise, Ripley seems to have unusual solutions for the challenges she encounters on her way.

ISFP: The Bride (Kill Bill)

ISFPs or Adventurers are charming artists who are always ready to explore new things. They are also extremely flexible and often use their actions and words to push the boundaries of what is considered acceptable.

The Bride from Kill Bill has an Adventurer personality type. Even though she is close to her assassin friends and her boss is also her lover, she decides to leave this criminal life behind and settle down. Such an act is then considered both betrayal and opposition to the status quo.

ENTJ: Imperator Furiosa (Mad Max: Fury Road)

ENTJs or Commanders are bold leaders who always find a way to do something. They are strong-willed, charismatic leaders bringing people together and leading them towards a common aim. They are also considered very rational people.

Imperator Furiosa from Mad Max: Fury Road is an ENTJ. Furiosa decides to free the captive women both because of her morals and because of the position of power she holds. Another Commander personality type character you may know is Hit-Girl from the Kick-Ass movies.

INFJ: Batman (Batman)

INFJs or Advocates are quiet idealists who are also tireless and inspiring. They have a sense of morality and believe that helping others is their purpose in life. However, they are not idle dreamers which sets them apart from everyone else.

Batman is an Advocate. He protects the city of Gotham but doesn’t pride himself much on it having a moral code that prevents him from killing people as often as he is actually capable of. Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars and Leeloo from The Fifth Element are both INFJs too.

INFP: Sarah Connor (Terminator)

INFPs or Mediators are altruistic people who are always ready to help a good cause. They are kind people who can find good even in the worst of people or things.

Sarah Connor from the Terminator franchise is a notable INFP who, if you actually think of it, falls in love with her abductor Kyle Reese. Other INFPs include Luke Skywalker from Star Wars and Alice from the Resident Evil.

ENTP: Iron Man (MCU)

ENTPs or Debaters are people who can’t resist an intellectual challenge. They are smart and curious thinkers who enjoy debating simply because it is fun. One of the reasons why they love arguing so much is that they have a very quick wit. Iron Man often gets on the bad side of everyone he meets because he keeps on opposing whatever that person is saying. Nevertheless, it’s very entertaining to watch him do it. Other Debaters you might know are Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise and Deadpool.

ESTP: Han Solo (Star Wars)

ESTPs or Entrepreneurs are energetic and smart people who enjoy living on the edge. They love to be the center of attention which is exactly how you can spot them in a crowd of people. They aren’t interested in serious discussions and would rather go out and do things.

Han Solo from Star Wars is probably the most well-known fictional ESTP. He loves risking his life if it means he will profit from it or get him the attention he needs. Other ESTPs include Ethan Hunt from Mission: Impossible, John McClane from Die Hard, and Lara Croft from the Lara Croft franchise.