When you think about Brad Pitt, what comes to your mind? He is definitely one of the hottest and most handsome men in Hollywood (and has been one for decades), but that doesn’t mean you should forget about his acting talent when he has such good looks.

Brad Pitt has many interesting roles, so sorting his characters by their MBTI is definitely one of the most entertaining tasks (even though some of them have the same personality types). Which Brad Pitt movie character are you?

ESTP (Entrepreneur): John Smith (Mr. & Mrs. Smith)

2005’s Mr. & Mrs. Smith is the reason why we got Brangelina, one of the sweetest couples in Hollywood. Jolie and Pitt met on the set of this movie and quickly fell in love with each other. However, their onscreen romance in this action thriller is no less interesting to watch.

Pitt’s character, John Smith, is an ESTP. He is intelligent and very quick to find a solution in critical situations because his job demands it of him. John also enjoys living on the edge and has the charisma that ultimately charms Jolie’s character, Jane.

ESFP (Entertainer): David Mills (Se7en)

Se7en is David Fincher’s neo-noir thriller about two detectives investigating a series of crimes that are seemingly connected to the seven deadly sins. Morgan Freeman plays the older William Somerset while Brad Pitt plays the younger David Mills.

David has an ESFP personality type. He is an energetic and spontaneous person who is full of optimism. David is a complete opposite of William which is why their dynamic is so interesting to watch. Nevertheless, the ending of the film changes David completely.

ISFP (Adventurer): Benjamin Button (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a very unusual film with a unique concept. It tells the story of Benjamin Button (played by Brad Pitt) who is born as an old man and becomes younger as he grows up. With time, he actually turns into a baby again.

Benjamin is an ISFP. He is an adventurer who loves exploring and going to new places. Throughout the whole movie, Benjamin is not trying to fit in but rather looking for something he will enjoy doing. He tries many things and lives a fairly happy life. The only thing he regrets is what happened with the love of his life.

ISTP (Virtuoso): Cliff Booth (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood)

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is a brilliant movie with numerous cool quotes. Quentin Tarantino painted the picture of the year 1969 by using several storylines that intertwine together. Brad Pitt plays Cliff Booth who is a stuntman for Leonardo DiCaprio’s character actor Rick Dalton.

Cliff is an ISTP. He is an experimenter and a master of all kinds of tools. Because of his job as a stuntman, Cliff has exceptional fighting skills. However, he also knows how to do various things around the house, such as fixing the roof.

ENFJ (Protagonist): Tyler Durden (Fight Club)

Based on a novel of the same name, Fight Club is another one of David Fincher’s masterpieces that gave us one of Pitt’s most prominent roles. The cast consists of such stars as Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham Carter. Jared Leto also has a supporting role.

Pitt’s Tyler is an unhealthy version of the Protagonist. He is an inspiring leader, but the leader of a cult. He easily captures the attention of his audience which allows him to create a “fight club”. Tyler is the perfect example of an ENFJ who turned to the dark side.

ISFJ (Defender): Mickey O’Neil (Snatch)

Guy Ritchie’s Snatch is one of the first works that he put his heart and soul into. Brad Pitt’s Mickey O’Neil is a supporting character but extremely memorable. He is a gypsy who manages to be a professional boxer with only a few punches.

Mickey has an ISFJ personality type. Just like John Smith from Mr. & Mrs. Smith, he loves living on the edge which could make him an ESTP, but he also cares for his loved ones a lot though he tries to hide it. This definitely makes him a Defender.

ESTJ (Executive): Don “Wardaddy” Collier (Fury)

Fury is one of the more recent war movies that has an amazing cast, well-written characters, engaging story, and stunning visuals. This combination makes the film so great, and Brad Pitt’s performance as Don “Wardaddy” Collier is the cherry on top of it all.

“Wardaddy” has an ESTJ personality type. He knows how to manage people well, but he also has some traits that could make him an ESTP. He seems to enjoy living on the edge simply because he has been doing it for such a long time.

ENTP (Debater): Jeffrey Goines (12 Monkeys)

12 Monkeys is a neo-noir sci-fi thriller with Bruce Willis, Madeleine Stowe, and Brad Pitt. The story is set in a post-apocalyptic future where Bruce Willis’s character, a convict, is sent back in time to find out what happened before the civilization ended.

Jeffrey has an ENTP type personality. This character stands out in Pitt’s filmography because he has never done anything like that before or after 12 Monkeys. Jeffrey is funny yet quite disturbing at the same time, but he also appears to be smart despite staying at a mental institution.

INTJ (Architect): Billy Beane (Moneyball)

Moneyball might not be the most well-known film, but it is definitely worth it. Based on a book of the same name, it tells the story of the Oakland Athletics baseball team’s 2002 season and how Billy Bean (played by Brad Pitt), their general manager, made a competitive team out of them.

Billy is an Architect. He has a plan for everything. He is a strategic thinker and stays dedicated to his vision. Yet, he is also willing to change once he discovers that there is a different way of playing the game.

ISTJ (Logistician): Rusty Ryan (Ocean’s Eleven)

The iconic Ocean’s Eleven is actually a remake of a 1960 film of the same name. It is a story about Danny Ocean (played by George Clooney), his right hand Rusty Ryan (played by Brad Pitt), and their friends who plan a heist to steal $150 million from a casino owner.

Rusty is a Logistician. He is a practical and reliable person who acts as the voice of reason to Danny. Even though Rusty is calm and easy-going, he is actually very thoughtful and tries to do everything he can to make the plan work.