Though its accuracy is often questioned, people love tests that promise to provide them with an insight into their own lives. People want to know how others view them, what kind of person they are, and if their favourite fictional characters fall under the same label.

Today we will be using the Myers-Briggs personality typing system (a popular personality typing system that claims that all people on Earth fall under one of sixteen categories) to sort several of the title characters from the hit show Mad Men as well as the readers who fall under the same selected types. Are you more of a Betty or a Don? A Joan or a Sally? Find out below.

8. Sally Draper- INFP

INFP’s are known for being the idealists of the world. They dream of the place that the world could and should be and do their best to make it a reality. When the real world falls short of this fantasy, it can often deeply disturb INFP’s as they simply cannot understand why things didn’t work out the way they wanted it to.

Though rebellious in her youth and often angry at the world and people around her, Sally Draper is a true idealist. She sees the world and the people in it for what it could be, and finds herself angry and upset by their inability to become what they should be. She seems immense potential in her family and friends and cannot understand why they cannot see this for themselves. She is often hurt by those around her when they fail to live up to their own potential and takes the bettering of the world (and the people in it) into her own hands in the end.

7. Peggy Olson- INTJ

The INTJ’s of the world are known for being rather reserved people. They are self-starters, good at working alone, and find themselves invigorated by ideas, planning, and unraveling the ways in which the world works. INTJ’s prefer to crack the mysteries of the universe themselves through careful study and innovative ideas.

Peggy’s success in the ad world comes from her taking the time to question why things are the way they are, why people think the way they think, and then creating the perfect ad to cater to those mechanisms. She often gets irritated when having to work with others and prefers a productive brainstorming session above the more social aspects of her career.

6. Trudy Campbell- ESTJ

The ESTJ’s of the world value tradition above all else. They want to do what they believe is the proper thing to do and rarely consider any path that they personally would deem undignified or amoral. They believe that the only life worth living is a morally upstanding one.

Trudy is a traditional girl with a strong moral code. She knows what she believes is right and what she believes is wrong and few people will convince her to stray from that. Her personal values may look different to those around her but she does not let that steer her of course.

5. Don Draper- ISTP

ISTP’s are a rather unpredictable bunch who are known, both for their love of spontaneity and for their highly logical thought processes (even if that logic can only be followed by them.) Few people can ever successfully predict what an ISTP is going to do next as they are quite difficult to pin down and figure out.

Don Draper is a true wild card and fans of the show were rarely able to predict what he was going to do next. He operated on his own moral code and logic, which often made no sense to anyone but he himself. Though his actions felt chaotic and all over the place, there was a reason for everything he did.

4. Roger Sterling- ESTP

The delightful thing about ESTP’s is the fact that they are the doers of the world. If they see a person in need or a problem that needs solving, they jump into action. They have no time for careful consideration of the consequences that might follow, plans, or second thoughts. No, if an ESTP feels the need to go and do something, they are going to simply go and do said thing.

This description perfectly applies to Mr Sterling. He is a character that follows his urges, feelings, and desires. No matter where they might lead him. They may cause him to leave a previous partner for someone that many considered to be simply a fling or spur him to leave his old company. Where there is a whim, there is a Sterling following closely behind it.

3. Pete Campbell- ISTJ

The ISTJ’s of the world are formal and love tradition. They have created a plan for their lives, based on watching the lives of those who came before them, and see no need to rock the boat. They believe that we all have roles in our society and that their job is to uphold them. This love for old fashioned ideals can make them rather reserved, uptight, and serious.

Peter is the embodiment of all of these things. He simply wants the life that the men before him lead and sees no reason as to why he should not be able to do such things himself.

2. Joan Holloway- ESFJ

ESFJ’s are the true extroverts of the world. They thrive in social situations, can woo almost anyone, love the spotlight, and are natural-born leaders. They can charm an entire crowd of people with ease and love doing so.

Never has a series of words so accurately described a person as the above description does for the character of Joan. Her charisma and ability to woo is cherished within the company almost as much as her organizational skills and ability to keep all of those under her charge working and in line.

1. Betty Draper- ENFP

ENFP types are known for their sensitive, perceptive, and intuitive natures. They are driven by their emotions, prefer to live and define themselves and their lives on their own terms, and enjoy the company of others. They are talented at seeing through the masks that other people wear and seeing what is really going on underneath everything.

Betty Draper is a figure defined by her character. She has a strong sense of who she is and what she wants to do and always pursues this, even if it is not the most popular choice with those around her. She is able to detect when those around her are hiding something, struggling, or being dishonest.

Next: MBTI®: Which Johnny Depp Movie Character Are You?